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oh my god the dude is bleeding so bad at the gas station
What the hell was that guy at number 12 trying to do
11 wat were u thinking
7:45 First of all, one of those idiot bystanders should've put pressure on the wound. Could they not see blood was literally Spraying out of the guy's head? I'm sorry, but they must've all been fucking stupid. Take a shirt or a jacket or a god damn sock and at least try to stop the bleeding. Meanwhile have someone else call for an ambulance and the police. smh
God bless that Muslim lady that grabbed that person out of the tracks. Real hero
Sab movie ka seen h
Can we just all agree that whoever was driving in number six was a god damn idiot who should’ve take the time to put the nozzle back where it belongs rather than try and drive off???
what happened to that lady at number 10, did something poisen her
Number 10, I rly think there was a demon or something in that person
This is reality…. weather or not it is disturbing depends on weather you have a strong gut… or it could be you lack compassion and you heart is as cold as ice and as hard as stone.. however.. this video was made to look into the mistakes many people can make…. and the funny thing is that the majority of these mistakes happen on the roads… where people are most vulnerable… please… drive with care and take care of our world.. vigilantly or aware..
Number 3 has to be one of the worst ones, the driver gets crushed
What even happened on number 6
Did the guy get cut open or something
Number 1 oh juses
Number 6 OMG
Some scenes are very hard
8:55 it took me some time to realize the horrible thing that happened. There were two people on that motorbike, the person in white who was lucky and the person in green who was crushed by the truck
7:15 fucking idiot that drove the car without removing the hose. Your stupidity is only acceptable when you are the only one who faces the consequences, not when you cause damage to others
Most of these are examples of population control. Retards will kill themselves. Taste the rainbow
What happend on number 1 and number 6?
Dat child that crossed d road I pray he is ok
No. 3? ?
OMGG the man at 8:59… he stay under the vehicle.. The vehicle fall down on him…. Oh my god this is so wierd????
Oh fuck man
Good video annoying music
Some VERY stupid people here – you gotta wonder what the hell some of them are thinking!
And please tell me what’s happening in #10!! What WAS that? If it was drugs, why did she act that way so suddenly? I felt sorry for the blonde woman who wanted to help but looked so unsure and scared.
I’m glad they didn’t play annoying music through the course of this entire video…
I don’t think I could’ve stood it!!!
That guy on bike was born again
OMG idiots
Me to
10 looked stupid, not horrifying. I was expecting a zombie or something.
4:50 lucky for that man
nr 12 on what will he jump ? i see no swimmingpool or something
7:16 "Damn bro what happened to my gas pistol? That's gonna cost me so much to repair it. Fuck."
What's happening in 10?
Why does so many people today doesn't look on their sides
While driving
Number 3
Number 3
Number 3
Number 3
Number 3
Number 3
Number 3
Number 3
Number 3
The music is number 3 too.
How look at how the person survived in three.
God is there ooo.
Glory to Jesus.
cyclist in 9 lucked out big time.
On number 6, why the hell was nobody stepping in and applying pressure to that poor man's wound??? Humanity has gone to hell.
No. 3 Her friend got crushed by the truck's load…. I would've been horrified if I were in her shoes
It's just that some people are stupid in driving a car
Thats why you sould not get work on construcson site the first was sad 4 m3 1 d1d1nt w4nt to s33 th4t.
I am afraid of growing up, the world is so cruel and dangerous..
8.50 horror ??
Ajj fuking blonde bitch of the 10, insted of calling emergencies she was filming with her phone!!
If I where there i would slap her
Someone needs to bass boost the moment at 9:39
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