Rescue Poor Dog was thrown to boiled water left to die covered with a plastic | Miracle Story
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Rescue Poor Dog was thrown to boiled water left to die covered with a plastic | Miracle Story
We got a report of the dog who struggled to survive even that was left to die in agony more then 2 weeks, his fleash simply got rotten and the muscles from his front legs simply are in putrefaction.We presume that someone throw on him with boiled water or acid…or he got into something who causes…this kinda of trauma.We dont want to acuse no one of such cruelty …but we know the monsters who live there.
We can accuse the persons that saw him and move on, not even looking at the poor lad in agony.
His salvation is his angel , we took him right away and even that the smell of rotten flesh and horrid wounds dint scared her.
After his conditions got improved a litlle with the help of the vet who did miracles in the start and was possible the transfer to a high class clinic , where he will get the special care that is needed for a case i repeat of fleash who is rotten already.
He is safe, the transfer was a success and he is feeling much better.He ated alitlle and had water and even wants to roll the tummy up.
Please donate: Paypal: sorana18art@yahoo.com
He is a miracle beeing alive !!More about best dog rescue videos & channel touching your heart here:
The dodo pet rescue: https://www.youtube.com/user/TheDodoSite
Howl Of A Dog: https://www.youtube.com/user/HowlOfADog
Hope For Paws – Official Rescue Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/eldad75
Help more Animal click here: https://bit.ly/2mtRpL7
If there are any copyright issues with any videos posted here i will remove them. please contact my email: nguyenthithiqnu@gmail.com
Thank you for watching!
#straypaws, #dogrescue, #rescuedog
How can a human being so cruel… God bless that little dog, and the people dedicated to his life.
If anyone knows who did that. Give them the beating of their lives. And tell them why its happening to them. Scum the law is crap. Not to find these people and even when they do nothing happens to them. Things have to change as these kinda scum are a dangerous to all of us not just Animals. Drag them out of their houses and take all their belongings sell every single thing they own and give it to the people that take care of poor darling.
Mi viene da piangere. Nn sopporto. Di vedere soffrire gli animali. Sto male. Mi fa soffrire vedere tutto ciò. Nn lo trovo giusto. No..
Poor poor baby,I can't take anymore,these cruel psychotic people need to be exterminated from this earth, everyday you see more and more cruelty to poor defensive animals it has to stop now .
Was the horrible person caught that hurt this poor pup?
I hate humans.
Que linda ação…são anjos que Deus mandou do céu pra cuidar desses animais…..emocionante…????????????
So cruel x
povero amore??
? on Earth. Thank you.
How can anybody give this a thumbs you dumb idiots, Thank you so much for all you do for these beautiful creatures. Amazing but I cried.?
My heart is bleeding, how some human monsters can do this, they must get to hell for what they had done!!! Lets at least help them by donating!!!
Poor dog, its a miracle the rehabilitation
Thanks ⚘⚘?
This should happen to ever did this and see if they like it the twat that they are
Gd bls all those who have taken care of the poor soul n may dat person rot in hell who did this to him…….?
Thanks four your help
Do tha se with dos bastard
Human become more evil nowadays.
Good job.God bless you.??????????????
Every year very many dogs are boyled alive for their fur or meat…
Biggest and sincerest Thank yous to vets and rescuers, especially to caregivers. Pink-haired person, I admire your compassion for dogs. I saw u in many dog rescues youTube videos and for me, your loving kindness for animals is incomparable.