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About the Author: Shekinah Jo


  1. I beileve her/you sweetheart. Know that you have a family in Christ. If they did accept Christ Jesus they wont except us. I too been to hell and know all about Heaven. You are not the only one considered crazy. They call me crazy too and what hurts the most is I have to deal with all these false ministers when i am true witness / messenger of Jesus Christ. Sounds like you went into the mouth of hell. Hell is a body stretched out in the center of the earth. There are different parts like the the body. Dont seem like she made it into a particular part just into the mouth. As far as her words and the way she acting now. That is not her fualt. This is the way her mom raised her. God told me He was going to punish all the parents who allow their children to sin or indulge in sin with them . You can not raise babies in sin. This will be the results. College accommodate you and high school will too. To me this on her parents. She's too cute.

  2. God Bless her soul… this was so interesting! My mother told a similar story 25 yrs ago of heaven when she got shot in the head, lost a third of her brain & her left eye! God is real… he saved my mother & she's still alive!!!

  3. I believe her God works in mysterious ways.??❤️ I’m just glad she got a chance to experience Hell & Heaven because if she didn’t she probably still would’ve been in her worldly ways. Bbg you are a walking testimony!!?

  4. Y’all pray for her, lord bless her and protect her from all evil in Jesus name amen I believe you sweetheart it’s a reason for everything y’all!

  5. Shekinah messy as hell. She give that look like this is crazy. she want to see the baby the baby daddy. Now I do think men with a nose ring is not straight.

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