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3. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-F5iXWW-Lz-0qGtNLMApdg
4. https://www.youtube.com/user/JesperGM
5. https://www.youtube.com/user/DestinyGamingYT
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Music by Tobu
Tweets by tobuofficial
Hello you scrolling down would you take one second of your time to sub and I will make sur to sub back have a beautiful rest of your day???
i always do number one with warmachine.
dshaydtfrwty f
look my video OMGking 3d
My friend failed a 360 noscopes missed me and I headshot him
bro bro bro bro bro bro bro bro bro bro
sub to me and get 200 dollars
Number one happened to me but with a grenade on Nuke town I just stopped playin
This is funnnnnnnnnnny
who else likes watching top fails more than top plays? lol
Number 1 and 5 would happen to me knowing my luck
How do I submit a video?
I was playing once, threw a grenade, then saw a guy, he glitched, and I killed him with the grenade.
OMG!! My clip is on number 1!!
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+Jens scholman
Thanks for spoiling it with the title?????
Sparrow is Katniss confirmed
2:02 In Bo2 ?! its bo3
Espresso you have a voice of gold
Why is number 3 even on the list, tons of people have died from trophy systems.
Can we get iPhone gameplay?
Omg number 1 I'm fucking weak ??
fucking horshe shit
two weeks ago that happened to me and my teammate the trophy system got a double kill
Thanks for #5 🙂
number 2 was up to round six search and destroy, that was either custom games, or arena. if arena thats ok . but are custom games allowed. becasue a lot of stuff can be faked in custom games.
Number 3 always happens to me
360 noscope
I should send my kill chain with a purifir
If guys could make my day and sub that would make my day:) Im half away from 100!
It ain't a top 5 fails without TukTuk
Just a question…I have a clip to send in, do I have to unlist the video or just send it in?
wer ist Deutsch
is nuketown good on 3
geen yarasky hahaha 🙁
What do you use to edit videos
I was on a 27 kill streak and Igot double flashed and tomahawked
i saw a top 5 fails by TwoEpicBuddies where the first place was basically the same as this first place, but with a noobtube on bo2 raid