Rescue Poor Puppy was Abandoned with Spinal Broken, Body Hundreds Flies, Maggots Waiting for Death
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Rescue Poor Puppy was Abandoned with Spinal Broken, Body Hundreds Flies, Maggots Waiting for Death
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#animalrescue, #dogrescue, #rescuedog
Crippled Puppy, what a great name for a Band!!!
He looks like my dog, a Beagle.
Вставай и беги!!!!!??
Thankyou ? you are aengel
Thanks Angels for take care of the poor dog❤
GOd bless u all
Calista didn´t deserif you can please give an updateve ANY of this….as if her incredible suffering wasn´t enough, she was abandoned, left to die a horrible slow death……There is NO excuse for this cruel, indifferent act, at all….I love that you saved her, trying to heal her, please get her a wheelchair if she´s totally paralyzed….I also love the beautiful little girl that gave her the care and comfort she so greatly needed….if you can please give an update.
It is nice this little girl loves to help with the dog but they need to make sure she wears gloves because of the maggots and fleas… She is the sweetest poor dog…
Дай Бог с помощью этих замечательных людей Calista встанет на ножки. Выздоровления тебе !!!❤❤❤
Thank you ????
El chiquito llora también quiere mimos.
The Lord blessings the dogs !
Thank you so much to save the dogs God bless you always !
Pobresito bebé gracias por ayudarlo muchas bendiciones ángeles! Espero que vuelva a caminar, encuentre un buen hogar.❤??
Bless you and your daughter both of you have golden hart to save calista??????♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️
?????????????help him
Caro amore indifeso!!! Ti abbraccio forte forte insieme a tt voi che lo avete riportato in vita
Very kind heart girl you got Bless you all have a good day thank you all very much for giving so much love thank you for sharing your beautiful story very good thank you
OMG?Thank you for helping this angel puppy .GOD bless you.??
Has she been able to get around with a mobility cart. If not what are your plans?
Carrito para que se desplace.Merece ser feliz.
Abençoados sejam todos w amam os animais.
Que graça essa criança ajudando, um anjo ajudando outro. Parabéns mãe dessa criança que tem amor para todos inclusive para esse animalzinho indefeso.
Thank You Angels poor baby stop abbandono stop abused innocent indifes ??❤❤❤❤?????
God bless all those who help injured animals.
Countries take care of your people and animals for heaven sakes. Be responsible. Grow up.
Thank you for helping the poor dog!??
Voceis são um anjo não é facio cuidar deles tenho 5 adotada foi a melhor coisa que eu já fiz não me arrependo eu amos os animais tenho certeza que voceis também ama os animais obrigada ?? por olhar esse ?
God bless you????
Thanks Guys for saving dog and Guys your work is really important and beautiful???????????????????????
Thanks to your family,and GOD BLESS YOUR DAUGHTER AND YOUR FAMILY,,,
Thank you??
Cucciolo sei in buone mani ora!!!!!!!! Con tanto amore!!!