Gordon Buchanan and his team have to save an elephant from a brutal death after being trapped in a snare by poachers. Among the most dangerous animals in the world, Gordon believes they only become so because of human action towards them. Subscribe: http://bit.ly/BBCEarthSub
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Elephant Family and Me
Wildlife cameraman Gordon Buchanan travels to the spectacular Tsavo wilderness in Kenya to try to get closer than ever before to a wild elephant family.
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Bu hayvanlara işkence yapan adiler şerefsizler tel bağlamışlar ayağına
para béns pelo ato
Thankyou for relieving him from the pain and the cruel snare trap. .I wish I get to touch your feet in respectand kiss yourhands you all are heroes. But a little bit of more surveillance is needed to catch the poachers and teach them right from wrong and how not to be cruel just a few more dollars
Good work appreciated ? please do the same thing to the human beings also, they are suffering due to the bloody war for the defense industry & genocide
I want this job
Such a deep cut. Almost cutting off the leg.
It made me sad… Could you please follow-up on him.
Malditos caçadores
Apa cuman gue orang Indonesia nntn di chanel ini
Muito bem, parabéns por esse cuidado com esses grandalhões!.
Very good
Great job for saving that good creature
Well done
After recurring photos nhi kiye
Who ever did this will go to hell thank you for saving my favret animle i cyrd ?
Kill all poachers and anyone involved in this kind evil activity
Seriously human being are a curse for the whole world.
Poachers have no soul, it was tsken over by demons who rob & destroy.
आप लोग हाथी का दर्द समझे इसके लिए मेरी गुड
Than you very much for helping
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