Rescue Abandoned Puppy Was Attacked By Hundreds Maggots Make Broken Completely Eye
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A heartbreaking story of Puppy named Magica
Magica was thrown into a bush while she was very sick
She was there for a day because she was too weak to go
Her eyes were attacked by hundreds of maggots, causing the eye to be completely broken
She suffered so much pain
We took Magica to the veterinary clinic
First, the doctors completely removed the maggots and fleas from her body
They took care of her very gently because she weighed less than 700gr
Puppy are very small but suffer a lot of pain
We fed her… with lots of good nutrients
After 2 weeks of treatment at the clinic, I took him out to enjoy a new happy life
Magica is very friendly and sweet
She is very happy and friendly with the dogs in the shelter
After 1 month of treatment, Magica was completely fine
Although she has an eye damage, we promise to take care of him with all my heart
Thank God for Magica!
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He is a miracle beeing alive !!More about best dog rescue videos & channel touching your heart here:
The dodo pet rescue: https://www.youtube.com/user/TheDodoSite
Howl Of A Dog: https://www.youtube.com/user/HowlOfADog
Hope For Paws – Official Rescue Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/eldad75
Help more Animal click here: https://bit.ly/2mtRpL7
If there are any copyright issues with any videos posted here i will remove them. please contact my email: nguyenthithiqnu@gmail.com
Thank you for watching!
#straypaws, #dogrescue, #rescuedog
Dios bendiga a todos aquellos que ayudan a los inocentes e indefensos animalitos, felicidades por su alma tan bonita.
Thank-you for Rescuing this Innocent soul of an Furbaby…… Giving an Second Chance …..
Pero que le ah pasado pobrecita….?
What a beautiful little puppy,I hope the person that threw this puppy in the bush has a miserable and painful life thank you for helping this sweet little puppy ?????????❤️❤️❤️
Parabéns vc tem alma nobreza parabéns
pobre bebe.
So what was happening to this adorable tiny puppy after all? Has she (he?) got adopted by a loving caring forever family yet? Please update on this puppy for us. Also has whoever done such cruel act to this puppy got caught!? The coward lowlife must be punished as severe as possible! The best way is to punish with an eye for an eye. She lost her eye, so the coward lowlife should lose his/ her/there eye eaten alive by maggots. Disgusting piece of garbage! Whoever it was, he/she never deserve such a beautiful adorable doggie ever!
Es preciosa?
I'm very pissed off how someone could leave the puppy like that.Should be excited immediately.F that I sometimes hate people.I meant executed .thanks a million for helping the puppy.I love him.God Bless great job.Congress let's do something about this never ending Problem.????☃️????
OMG he is such a sweet dog
Thanks for helping him. Love you guys
Que dulce voz la chica q les habla a los perros, ese cachorrito fue bendecido al encontrarlos a ustedes
Thank God for people like you for helping these helpless ones.more power to what you do.
Amore! ?
So tiny this little angel ♥️??… God bless your heart ❤️ for saving this poor energetic ?…
Animals are gods creatures we need to treat them better than we are I would not let an animal suffer or go hungry
God bless you & protect you Magica!thanks for savng her..
Poor him
Cok guzel
Such a sweetheart,thank you for helping this little baby
@straypaws hoow do i adopt Magica from Canada?
Im wondering how do they know how she got there? She had to have been there for more than a day to be this infested with fleas. Her eye was probably a result of the owner previous. Some of these stories need more investigation. But this baby should have her eye looked at and probably bandaged with topical antibiotics. I dunno its how i see this case
Use quedo chiquita, esta bien linda
A beautiful dog and an amazing transformation.
THANKYOU dad for giving your furbaby a second chance of a great life.
Poor baby
Thank you sooo much many times. Amazing what the rescuer(s) did.
Y apenas es una bb ,que le pasó a ese angelito/
I want a job where all i do is feed and kiss puppys. Bellys
Hoow ever did this needs to have there children suffer the same
Una pequeña adorable ???
Poor baby. Thanks for help
Hasta yo lo uviera hecho, cuantas personas mala pero Dios tendra micericordia de esas malas, Dios bendiga las personas que cuidan de esos animales!
Thank you❤️
What a sweet Angel !! God save the people rescue her , thank you so much , great job !!!!??❤❤❤❤❤❤
Povero tesorino!!!! Caro piccolino!!!! Nonostante la sofferenza ha voglia di giocare e ti attenzioni!!!! Fantastico amore!!!!!!
Mio.Dio povero amore!!!!!!
Diese süße kleine Maus,tausendmal DANKE an euch alle,dass ihr sie gerettet habt!Ihr seid wahre Engel!!!!!??