Top Fails of the Week in Heroes of the Storm, brought to you by TGN Partner MFPallytime. In this series, Pallytime collects the TGN Community’s most epic fails from the past week in Heroes of the Storm – Blizzard Entertainment’s League of Legends competitor for PC, a Warcraft, Starcraft, Diablo fusion – otherwise known as the “Blizzard Dota” – new to the MOBA genre.
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"Unfortunately, the slug had friends."
Omg mah frand Baconov made it into the episode as the Zeratul that failed the aba kill… Why is he a rank 5 in hero league again? XD
Okay, seriously… why do Novas and Zeratuls start these joint missions to take down Abathur together? Nova's Q+W burst damage alone is more than enough to take down Abathur even in early game. It's hilarious to see both stealths get so excited about taking down Abathur… and then fail miserably. 😀 Just wait for him to go symbiote mode, man! It's not so hard…
Stitches may devour, but Butcher just ate those shadow bolts.
Like every week there is an Abathur fail… I love it
Wasn't until this slowed down footage that I realised Gall's blob thing are skulls. O.o
Still do you think is the best .. when chogall takes the flower? I do not think he is the best option =)
that fucking leoric…just stop, go home have a nice piece of pie and sleep it off.
Yeah, got #1!
@#3 Me and Mace are trying to play good but our Nova/Zera was pretty bad back in the days. Also frikkin mines!
Poor butch :'(
did the nova snipe miss? seems like abathur took very little damage.
Aba op.
Awww my Li Li chasing fail didn't get featured, nice one but not that extreme this week sadly tho 🙂
"Guys, just leave him alooone! He's fiiiine! Just let him stay theeere! He's just doing slug things! " xD lmfao
I know those two players at #5. I play with them all the time! Great pair of gamers!
The Head is one of the best RTS Players I know. They is very Cheesy and Silly
And the Legs is one of the best FPS Players I know. They are quite ridiculous as well!
#4 was the best because once Nova died you can see the Dread Orb laughing.
just leave the slug alone…
Always love to see failed attempts to kill Abby, but I really loved the shadow charge.
the fail quality was total crap. also give a bit of respect to Dota 2 wtf, as you borrow ideas from them.
I like and dislike the butcher but that charge while chode'gall ulted him in the face lol
all of dem
Didn't even know you could hearth as Leoric when you're dead
The rag doll of the butcher…. Lol
3 is just a lol video
That Butcher should have been #1!
Sry pallytime, but these are not fails, just really really noob plays, like the 80% of this could've been avoided if the player hasn't been on his day 1 lvl 1
This week wasn't that epic. still good though.
no cho'gall fails, as a constant cho'gall player i am surprised
tfw the meat was too fresh 🙁
That Butcher took every god damn inch of shadowbolts.
I feel this Butcher should be higher than #5. It was just a spectacular level of fail XD
butcher charging to death XD
butcher was like "FRESH ARCANE MISSILEZ"
That raynor gave me cancer 😀
Lol that butcher
LOL pacman butcher