In this Film Courage video interview, Corey Mandell on 99% Of Screenplays Are Rejected After The First Scene.
Stuff we use:
CAMERA – This is the camera we have used to film 90+% of our interviews (over 200 interviews and counting) It continues to be our workhorse – http://amzn.to/2u66V1J
LENS – Most people ask us what camera we use, no one ever asks about the lens which filmmakers always tell us is more important. This lens was a big investment for us and one we wish we could have made sooner. Started using this lens at the end of 2013 – http://amzn.to/2tbtmOq
Rode VideoMic Pro – The Rode mic helps us capture our backup audio. It also helps us sync up our audio in post http://amzn.to/2t1n2hx
Audio Recorder – If we had to do it all over again, this is probably the first item we would have bought – http://amzn.to/2tbFlM9
LIGHTS – Although we like to use as much natural light as we can, we often enhance the lighting with this small portable light. We have two of them and they have saved us a number of times – http://amzn.to/2u5UnHv
COMPUTER – Our favorite computer, we each have one and have used various models since 2010 – http://amzn.to/2t1M67Z
EDITING – We upgraded our editing suite this year and we’re glad we did! This has improved our workflow and the quality of our work. Having new software also helps when we have a problem, it’s easy to search and find a solution – https://goo.gl/56LnpM
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#screenwriting #writing #screenplay
Why should I give a shit anything from a guy who wrote battlefield earth
21:50 – 23:05: "Nobody knows anything." -William Goldman
"From the Writer of Battlefield Earth, tips to be a "Pro".
this is great advice, thank you so much. I'm glad I watched it all the way though ^^ would've gone away with the wrong message if I didn't haha
Damn. They keep green lighting B movies and giving them blockbuster budgets. Valyrian and the City of a Thousand Planets, Ghostbusters reboot, all of those mythological Egyptian/Greek movies where the actors have an English accent. Imagine the movies that they turn down.
How many Times that Tarantino's script rejected ??
The days of just being a broke superb storyteller like Mark Twain are over, Marks prices are very reasonable and he's a great teacher with his experience but I just barely make my rent and child support, all the stories I came up with that people I wasn't friends with read and loved are as useless as trying to win the lottery. For those that have the money though this channel and his class are probably as good as it gets.
I disagree. Some of my favorite films, e.g., Space Odyssey, No Country for Old Men, etc when reading their first scenes may appear to be not interesting. Sometimes you just need to set the pace and mood first before storming out the gates trying to impress a reader. Tell a story not try to wow people all the time—that's why he have spectacles now, instead of good solid movies.
This guy is kinda amazing
Im just gonna put the whole script on the first page. Problem solved
I think the best thing an aspiring screen writer can do is give up.
What could anyone see — or not see — in one scene that you could pass an accurate judgement on?
If only 1% makes it to the big screen, then how can you explain that movies are neverthless mostly crap these days?
It's pretty much like the music business, the first song form your record has to be a fucking bomb.
What an idiot
I suspect there is more money made teaching people how to write than in selling books and scripts. Perhaps a lot more.
People don't want you to think out of the box, that is why most movies and shows are basically the same. They tell the same old stories over and over again. There is a reason so many good shows are based on books, because these writers did not have to write one of the old stories to make another clone.
In the words of the legendary screenwriter William Goldman, Nobody in this town knows nothing.
Amazing and HONEST video, just wow, great stuff
Can you imagine how many times Quentin Tarantino had been rejected?
So where do all of these shows that are hyped for the first season, that get cancelled shortly thereafter, or box office bombs come from? I'd bet they are not in that 1 percent
I like the transparency of this gentleman
"99% Of Screenplays Are Rejected After The First Scene " so says the guy who wrote Battlefield Earth.
this mf wrote battlefield earth
This is why movies start at the end of the story, and then movie is a flash back… over and over and over again…
Well, the truth is, most movies/tvshows coming out these days are absolute crap. Looks like they need to change their strategy, and read the whole damn thing…
99.9% movies are shit, one can make that judgement by the very first scene.
This asshat has exactly TWO credits on IMDb and one is Battlefield Earth which some think is the worst film ever made.
I should take his advice why?? Who would pay for his instruction? He doesn’t teach at UCLA he teaches at the Extension, ie, adult education.And no wonder movies are shite if dumb millenial moron kid readers with short attention spans decide what flies. Some films take time to establish character and set the atmosphere. Truly horrible films keep spewing from Hollywood like explosive diarrhea. Coinkydink? YOU DECIDE!
Actually this got me hooked on the Amazing Mrs Maisel. So be cool is the digest, I guess.
Iconic interview. Iconic man.
Not sure what he is talking about. I would say 80% of movies crap!
This is one of the best interviews you guys have done on Film Courage or, at least one of the most useful and inspiring. It has to give aspiring writers hope in regards to their own, singular voice. Vince Gilligan is a perfect example of what Corey is talking about. Every episode of "Better Call Saul" or even "Breaking Bad" surprises and captivates. He's still more of a "seasoned veteran" though. Donald Glover and Phoebe Waller Bridge are more examples of the new, young "turks" that are emerging as the demand for more original content increases. It really is quite a Renaissance of creativity compared to even 10 years ago…never mind 20 or 30 years ago. It's fantastic but, at the same time…..terrible for us creatives because there is simply so much good content to watch that it's WAY easier to waste one's time watching it instead of creating it! (sigh…)
That guy he's quoting is completely right about Ferris Bueller
I've read a lot of pilot episodes of shows that got made. And I stopped reading a lot of those scripts after the first scene. I always wonder why the show got made. Usually the scene was filled with cliches – I can't tell you how many characters were introduced working out, getting out of the shower or having sex. Then they get dressed and go to work. And at work we meet the person they always have some conflict with. It's tedious. In the end you just have to hope your words connect with the person reading them – but for me it means do not write cliche scenes, cliche characters and definitely do not use cliche phrases in your writing.
this is so brilliant and enlightening. thank you so much!
Rule #1: Be Jewish. Rule #2: Be Gay. Rule #3: Be happy in slavery and getting ripped off. Rule #4: Be connected.
It's an insider's game.
Write what you like, like what you write. Have fun.
And to think most Hollywood film still turn out that bad, makes me doubt these people's process.
That sh*t that does get approved is just unreal.
Don't get me wrong, I understand he must be some bigshot and he is telling what industry rules are. But honestly, even industry people are not sure about them a lot of the time. They say they are confident in a project and pretend it'll be a sure hit and what happens next is come knowledge.
That first two scenes rule is absolute garbage. If that’s how I watched movies, I would have missed out on some of my favorite films.
I don’t agree that a person can’t get better as writer just because the first scene doesn’t like you. Probably not today but soon, with hard work and keeping improving and learning from mistakes you Can be a better writer.
Mr Robitussen, Princess Diaries:
“I can’t believe I won an Emmy…”