Dota 2 – Fails of the Week – Ep. 11 by hexOr
I hope you guys enjoy it!
If you people like this sort of videos I will continue uploading those funny scenes and also try to update them weekly (submit your fails to keep the series going)!
I really hope you enjoy those scenes as much as I do!
Use the “Submit Your Replays” in my headbanner please to submit your replays!
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Music Supplied by Monstercat Media:
Artist Name: [DnB] : [Drum and Bass] – Matduke – Trainer Battle [Monstercat YouTube Exclusive]
Video Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J1X243bq-ho
Thanks to the people who have submitted the fails for this episode!
PS: If you have funny & fail scenes, feel free to submit them to me by using the submit button!!! If you can’t find it go here: http://hexordota2.de.tl/
Thanks a lot and stay tuned, hexOr
Subscribe for more: http://bit.ly/hOlyhexOr
lol dat graphic bug
levitating kotl ftw
i agree these arent even fails
The fuck is this shit? I wanted to see fails of the week. Not some blurry overly photoshopped pieces of visual shit.
Some of these aren't even fails. Just being outplayed. If you bitches ever want to see real fails, go watch Dotacinema's fails of the week.
the music is suckk..
Hey gamers, are you interested in a frrree DOTA2 key? It is available at this siite: GAMEKEYZ.info … hurry, they still got a few keys .
Sorry for ruining your childhood , but pokemons don't exist .
'said' grammar nazi.
just a dota 2 bug, one of the more obvious ones^^
lol at the last one
some of these vids are pro plays not fails
somebody lose a part of his childhood, BURN!
Right , Sayed , Instead of wasting your time here judging others , why not go and have an english lesson first ?
is a curiosity, but for now all play 0:50 with models without textures? do not understand, can somebody explain?
In any game of pokemon. /watch?v=J1X243bq-ho
harry potter
That`s why Hexor are bad. He work only on video. I heard NAVI sayed, Hexor suck.
wtf flying KOTL….0:57
I like the Tetris music. Its funky, oh yeah!
Leave Youtube and never return again