Language Teaching Methods explores various methodologies of English language teaching. This was a joint project by Diane Larsen-Freeman and the U.S. Information Agency and was produced in 1990. This video demonstrates Suggestopedia with Lise Sparrow.
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Is there any scientific work to backup Lozanov's claims?
Wagner and Tilney's (1983) claim that techniques adapted from Suggestopedia revealed "no significant improvements" and "when modes of presentation were compared those taught by a traditional classroom method learned significantly more".
TESOL/TEFL/ESL is a muddy pond of quackery.
I'd get annoyed as a student trying to listen to music during a reading, it wouldn't relax me at all but some good ideas eg with colours.
This is really difficult to watch home dog
I highly doubt suggestopedia really works. I mean for a beginner will represent quite a challenge.
These methods won't work in all countries unfortunately,
I play the space music and offer a free trip to the space to my students. It's awesome!
Thank you so much for this video! It is so inspiring!!! I truly believe that we need more suggestopedia every day.
Nice teaching methods
When was the lecture video taken?
Galip hoca sevdalilarina selam olsun
The method is fantastic. It is exactly what students need. Students may still have to preview some of the words in the script before watching the show
This is NOT Suggestopedia. I was trained by Lonny Gold who was personally trained by Dr. Georgi Lozanov himself.
Dr. Lozanov passed away in 2012.
Please, see my video and comment…
Great lesson it is refreshing, so much nonsense passes up for teaching these days it is encouraging to realise that some teachers are putting not only their soul into it as well as intelligence and thoughtfulness .
Very interesting! Thank you!
its very nice and useful .
The guy at 6:40 is almost sleeping. So am I. This video is pure asmr.
Now a now-linguistic comment. This video was my first experience with ASMR.
lots of running commentary.
Does anybody know the background music name?
The /d/ /t/ difference in pronunciation for past participle word ending in English is a very small, if not altogether irrelevant teaching point. Your tongue itself takes care of the pronunciation. It's pretty hard to do anything else. It's simply a phonological phenomenon
Where is the student's active participation? To me this method doesn't work. Only repetition? What a boring way. Sorry!
Very insightful, I'm currently learning about this technique for the evaluation of a derived methodology and a curriculum designed around it, so this is very helpful in the absence of examining a class in person.
you make us suffer with all your methods.