Today we have 2 near death experiences stories that are beyond belief and hard to explain. In our first story, we look at a witness who goes through supposed different levels of heaven. According to the witness it cannot be explained in words.
In our second story, we look at a person who has an emergency surgery that puts him in a vulnerable position. He then experiences something he has never seen before.
#dimension #creepy #scary #timewarp #timetravel #interdimensional #parallel #universe #paralleluniverse #NDE #NDEs #lifeafterdeath
~~ Thunder Dreamsby Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
Source: http://incompetech.com/music/royalty-free/index.html?isrc=USUAN1100167
Artist: http://incompetech.com/
photos Pixabay.com
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Thank You Friend for Sharing these Touching Stories.
The 1st story sounds like each "paradise" was a differing-frequency..each one un-congested and could quite easily explain how..over the millennia "heaven" isn't just one realm..its a plethora of infinite frequencies of positive and negative realities (depending on the individuals mindscape) and also explains why the "heaven" people talk of never gets "full"..You quite possibly join your own unique genetic-energy-barrier of which you're close family & even friends can connect to like an internet of sorts….It sounded like the 7 steps of ascension. ~ "To understand the nature of the universe think: Light/Sound/Frequency & Vibration" ~ "Nikola Tesla"….
Great story man but I am watching this a little late today.
Hello hello ??! I hope everyone had and is having an awesome Friday! I had a very chill day! I like chill days. Lol. TLN thank you for another super cool upload and I hope you have an nice weekend! I will be patiently waiting for the notification that you uploaded on Monday! Have a great weekend everyone! ⛄️?❄️☃️?❤️
All u need is love – thanks for posting these
I wonder if we on some level already exist, live, in heaven. I feel the love and light he's describing as if I'm there. (an infinitesimal fraction) But I can almost see the light ahead of me.
"Happy✨ ??
Friday Night?"
???? ??
Thanks for sharing another fascinating and interesting stories as always..?
Excellent ??
Alright alright alright!