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This is a great video of natural wildlife. There are many wild animals in the area. We try to film for you and good action all of the animals,
There are many monkeys here long-tailed ,pig-tailed and silver langurs Monkeys,Elephant, Slow Loris, Birds, Sambar Deers and Newborn baby monkeys are lovely to be attractive for local tour .
In the first video of them with their mother they both have umbilical cords and mom’s bottom is bloody from delivery. No animal mother that just had a baby is going steal another baby because it will take food from her baby. If neither is hers how would she feed them she would have no milk. They are not identical twins because one is a boy and the other is a girl. A kidnapper has one goal steal the baby, torture and possibly kill it. No kidnapper that I have seen ever nurtures their captive, it just doesn’t happen. The other females hanging around are her daughters and the other female is obviously pregnant. All monkeys are curious with new babies, long tail and pig tail macaques do not baby sit for one another.
Hey there Free wildlife … Where exactly is this monkey troop located ?? It looks like a parking lot or isolated edge of no-where.. no trees or greenery .. give the viewers the Location .. where is any fresh water or food? No background is ever shown —> just closeups of starving babies
Who is after mosie? and why? … all she does is move around and is on ‘high alert’
Ese otro bebe siempre pegado estara enfermo o esta comodo pobre mama
She's one tough momma!!
Старшенькая помогает маме с детишками, не даёт далеко уйти от мамы.???????????
Мать очень худая..скорей бы стали есть травы, овощи итд. Им легче и матери..
they are her's and like i said the girl would be the first to walk. the boy needs a little bit more time…
Are they hers or are they kidnapped what is the truth?
Tan linda esta momi, buena madre feliz con sus bebes ????
That was cute little sister hugging Pee. Pee’s already starting to imitate Mumsie in foraging. Pee went to big sister on her own. What on earth is that noise!?❤️?????❄️❄️❄️❄️☃️
They must stay in a very poor area. There's hardly any grass.
She will kidnap babies again
I just don’t understand why the other one (I think the boy) never tries to come off of her? Nor never stops nursing or sleeping. The one just wants to explore and is curious but the little guy doesn’t ever move ?
How old? They're skin and bone?
Какая умничка подросток,маме прямо в руки загнала лилипутка???
is that their sister
So cute but I’m worried ? kidnapper,..please give them some food,thanks.