Rescue Stray Dog Extreme Matted Fur, Dirty, Fierce, Desperate Lose Hope | Heartbreaking

Rescue Stray Dog Extreme Matted Fur, Dirty, Fierce, Desperate Lose Hope | Heartbreaking
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Rescue Stray Dog Extreme Matted Fur, Dirty, Fierce, Desperate Lose Hope | Heartbreaking

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A stray dog from the garbage pond that this uncle has adopted.. Dog is fierce. No one dares to approach.. the neighbor has contacted me to help cut the hair…

Courtesy: เกรียงไกร ธาตวากร

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  1. Good job! That little dog would of been in a lot of pain and could barely see because of all that hair. You did a great job, I bet the little guy feels more free and comfortable then he has in years.
    I have a small dog, Maltese poodle x that is also very fierce when I try to groom her. After many bites I now take her to the vet where she is sedated before they groom her.

  2. Come si può ridurre così un amore e quanto avrà sofferto grazie per averlo salvato e curato e amato come si merita grazie per tutto quello che fate x lui ciao piccolo buona vita amore!!!?????????❤???????

  3. Pauvre petit c'est normal quli se méfier des humains ce sont des monstres les il les abandonne maltraite soigner les sauver les c'est l la plus belle créature ce sont des. Amour merci de les sauver les les soigner merci il est pas pas content

  4. From what he was suffering for so long we can understand why he was so angry. Thank you for your kindness my people see your work as something they should do also, letting no creature reach that point of suffering.

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