In Fails of the Weak #226, Geoff and Jack witness metal dicks, angry deer, and violent kidnappings in Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare, Far Cry 4, Grand Theft Auto V, The Crew, and WWE 2K15. Join FIRST to watch episodes early: http://bit.ly/2wf5zPJ
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Fails of the Weak: Ep. 226 | Rooster Teeth
Where's your font? I don't know how to download?
1:50 there keeping the evidence
I'm the 600k person to view this
my dad did the drive by kidnapping with a deer
Fails of the weak has always been my favorite series by Rooster Teeth. x3
The description says aw but no advanced warfare. Fail! 😀
Drive-by Kidnapping! LOL!
4 chickens are possible, 1/1000 chance tho…
That happens to me all the time! I don't understand how one egg can give off four chicks.
Right at the end there was so much wrong with what he said," HE is like the OCTO-MOM". Notice the HE being a MOM, and OCTO one at that.
There's a 1/256 chance that an egg will spawn 4 chickens in minecraft. That Far Cry one was amazing.
last fail isn't a fail because there is a 1/256 chance that one egg spawns 4 chickens
omfg, that corpse catch was the perfect murder cover up:P
Did anyone else think To go please! When the car picked up the lady?
The last one was not a fail that's meant to be in the game but it's very rare
I'm not sure what the exact odds are, but there is a mega rare chance that if could be a quadruplet chick egg.
Aren't there supposed to be 10 fails per episode?
Dave Chappelle:GOTCHA BITCH
I've had the quadruple egg happen to me before. I heard it is a very rare occurrence
Puckup of the year
Guyz the 4 chickns pwning from dat 1 egg has a chans of liek 1/1000000000000000000.69
Yeah no shit, we figured that out from the hundredth comment stating the same fucking thing.
0:55 1:17
Highlight Fails
So….the Description says "Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare" yet the video says "Minecraft"
Unless AW has chickens in it…then i don't know
There is a 1/2000 or something chance of an egg spawning 4 baby chickens in Minecraft. This wasn't a fail/glitch but rather a rare occurrence… wait… A RARE OCCURRENCE
First of all i want that super power. (For real life and minecraft)
second of all THATS'S 1/1000 % CHANCE TO SPAWN 4 CHICKENS
My video and all its glory! Hahaha jks the others were way better except the chicken thing DAFUQ????
Dear Minecraft know-it-alls,
P.S. Suck our balls!
IN the Description it says ivolen kidnappings in COD:AW (The one COD Not played by only 10 year olds, jk yeah it is!
how is the minecraft one a fail?
Are we just gonna ignore the fact that he spelled it "weak" instead of "week"? Or am I that one asshole that doesn't know it's an insider. 0.o
OMG he got kidnapped!
The description of the video says there's an Advanced Warfare clip, but there is not.
The quadruple chickens from 1 egg happens with a 1/14000 chance so that guy got lucky
played minecraft for 3 years and never had it happen to me
Wait, so 4 chickens spawned from one egg? 4-1+3… I'm sorry but this has to happen! HALF…. of my pizza was eaten. Which one of you fuckers ate it?
Make longer fails of the week videos.
The odds of the chicken thing is 1400 out of 1 chance its not a game fail
That drive by kidnapping was the best! lol
its a 1/10,000 chance of 4 ckicks spawning
The chicken thing can happen. It's not a fail or glitch
Omg WOW there sure are alot of new people here complaining about the title being Weak instead of Week……