Welcome to the first installment of hardcore death! We have five hardcores lined up today.
–List of People–
Quote: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCC1rEEXSm2YSlsvybNtUAZQ
Themecore: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCbvS_WhdeApCN9gY9AtXrlA
Team Scallop: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWve-C1e39BXgtjdDfKYZSQ
Nyfen: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCiQ6I1sjO5zMXTm8d_OH5fAThemecore: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCbvS_WhdeApCN9gY9AtXrlA
Sonicraft118: You’re watching it
None of the footage belongs to me
Hardcore Genre created by PBG and McJones
PBG: https://www.youtube.com/user/PBGGameplay
Huge thanks to the Fan Hardcore Wiki
~This video is not made for kids. It is made for ages 13+. I am not responsible if a child 12 or under watches this video without consent.
I am Sonicraft118. You can call me Sonic or Jacob.
High school student, YouTuber, owner of Twisted, founder of the GCC Wiki, 1/3 of The TriCrafters, and member of The Bakery.
I upload at 4 pm CST.
Twitch – https://www.twitch.tv/sonicraft118
Twitter – https://twitter.com/sonicraft118
Vlare – https://vlare.tv/u/xU0xwuNI
Public Discord Server – https://discord.gg/FNEcg76
TheTriCrafters – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtG5wnEvPAdzgpGZ4dRIN3g
Twisted – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgDnI_9uQHKuGZ-VmeJOW6g
Signup Form- https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdjULYHp02h7IuGHEcF4cfqlpffohCYk4QTeNICU8dEDtmuUg/viewform?usp=sf_link
The Bakery – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLv7ztL82B1rchsoQFEabGw
GCC Wiki (Gaming Creators Community) – https://gaming-creators-community.fandom.com/wiki/Gaming_Creators_Community_Wiki
Planet Minecraft – https://www.planetminecraft.com/member/sonicraft118/
To qualify as fair use, please know that any extra video/music used is not my property. All rights go to their respective owners.
Music I use – https://docs.google.com/document/d/1cgbIXBIjoYkJcti56Je-Dgn8x4ZXyINmUc3K9vi05uw/edit?usp=sharing
A couple errors that were pointed out to me.
8:20 Leaf died in Ep 19, not 15
15:13 Creeper and Leah died to falling, not void.
Also future compilations will be shorter per hardcore and more hardcores. (Spoiler if you want it)
Psycho GirlCore and FalafelCore
16:07 wow 2 mz’s in a row where the host dies first
14:16 I would have put a slip sound effect
thanks for making this, these are VERY useful for a video im making
looks epic except soap died first not me
Looks like we have a superior death compilation creator. Good job.
Video games
Good death comp
No Twisted Fate this is a big f
I'm making an hc you could put mine in there.
0/10 no Terraria Classlock
Bruh I was hoping we’d get a new hc death comp-er! Epicccc
Bro, we need more people. NOT ENOUGH DEATH
Here, have some hardcores to add to the death comp (some aren’t finished yet but they all at least have a teaser)
Starting with HC’s by Omega People
Sonicraft’s HC MineZ 2
Sonicraft’s HC Scrapped Minecraft
Leah’s HC Terraria
Shinecore MineZ Mini
CorruptionCore Minecraft
Dragoncore Minecraft
Redcore/Delta HC
Now HC’s created by other people!
Civvv’s Spore Hardcore
MemeyCore MineZ
User’s Terraria Expert Mode HC
Hydromental Minecraft
Death Wish Terraria
Spedcore Minecraft 2
Zapcore MineZ
Inro’s Terraria Thorium HC
Noah’s Ultra Minecraft Hardcore
Noah’s Ultra Minecraft Hardcore 2
SyKore Terraria
Hope this list helps a bit
Smh where us redcore l
This is unwatchable, where is KashKore?!
Might as well watch this since projared cancelled hardcore