Watch Mangy Starving Puppy Panda Rescued & Helps Save Dog on Heavy Chain from the World Animal Awareness Society & WA2S Films if you like Hope For Paws & The Dodo.
World Animal Awareness Society & WA2S Films http://www.WA2S.org
Hope For Dogs: http://www.hopefordogs.org
My DoDo: http://www.mydodo.org
WA2S Films Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/WA2S.org
WA2S Films rode along with volunteers Sonya Franklin and Anna Barbosa of Houston K911 Rescue: http://houstonk911rescue.org
Sonya and Anna were showing us their usual feeding route and were checking on dogs they knew to be in jeopardy when we came to this house in the Fifth Ward.
Meet Izzy, Sally, Panda, Sonya, Tom the chained Pit Bull and the other dog down the street.
Izzy, Sally & PANDA were rescued. They came back later and bought Sonya and Tom for $200 each!
Please SHARE to make this video go viral and give every dog a fighting chance at a new life!
Operation Houston: http://www.wa2s.org/operation-houston
Help the World Animal Awareness Society save thousands of at risk dogs working with dozens of dog rescues around the world. The work never stops, and we need you. Donate and help us help rescuers save more lives! https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=9ZPQCGKA7QXSY
Subscribe and stay tuned for more videos from the WA2S Films official YouTube Channel: http://www.youtube.com/WA2sorg
This video was created with the financial assistance of donors across the globe including: Associate Producer, Diane Donnelly of The Donnelly Group.
WA2S Films is: Deanna Vollano & Tom McPhee
WA2S Films productions are filmed on Sony, Panasonic, and DJI camera systems
c. 2017 All Rights Reserved
Hiring WA2S Films for Your Next Shoot Supports The Work Of The World Animal Awareness Society & WA2S Films
818.561.5109 Los Angeles
Music courtesy Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License
Narration courtesy of Vocal artist Mark Rider: http://ridervo.com
The words The Dodo are trademarked by their rightful owner: TheDodo.com, Inc. which is owned by Group Nine Media GNM: Serial Number: 86975013
World Animal Awareness Society & WA2S Films have no affiliation with GMN or The Dodo whatsoever.
It would be so helpful if everybody would share the video on their Facebook pages, on Twitter and all other social media networks. Thanks 🙂
God bless you????? Guys your work and love is very important and beautiful?????????☘️☘️☘️????????????
Nossa além dos filhotes estar na rua tem o pobrezinho que está visualmente doente.. que dó ????? será que ninguém levou eles ou ele.. meu Deus que judiação ???
I´m very happy that there are people in the world who cares, feeds and rescues dogs in need, please give them especially the mangeinfected Panda the medical care he needs, what about the other one, the sand coloured dog who was scratching himself all the time, and the chained pit bull aswell as the dog down the street….I hope you took all of them under your wings…
Please give help the sick puppy,!!
That poor baby on the porch needs a lot more than food.
Thank you for help❤️❤️❤️❤️
WTF is WRONG W/PEOPLE!! If you can't afford puppies, GET THE FEMALE FIXED!!! Some SPCA PLACES OFFER IT FOR FREE! If YOU CAN'T AFFORD IT, THEN DON'T BRING A FEMALE DOG INTO YOUR HOME!! When she has puppies, it's now YOUR responsibility to care for them, make sure they're healthy, are nursed, get their shots, stay clean etc.!!
God bless all of you
The dogs and puppies need to be taking from that and in a care home to get adoped they didn’t ask for to neglected it's not nice to feel that sad feeling like no one cares xxx
For several parts of the world this has been happening. Domesticated animals breeding. They do not live on the streets … they just suffer and die on the streets … I love these Fiber women.
This dogs are so cute thank God for helping those poor dogs
God bless you all♡Thank you all
Bendiciones en abundancia para todos los animalitos del mundo !!!!!!
Three warriors!
Oh my god
You are angel
Animals neglecting animals. ?
Les mots me manquent devant toute cette souffrance….
Parabéns vocês são demais gratidão gratidão gratidão por salvar a vida desses animais que estavam abandonados e passando fome que Deus os abençoe muito sempre.
Espero se los lleven a todos y no le permitan mas animales a este pobre huevon .
Like this comment if you are crying and feel like a baby
These puppies look like a cross between a German shepherd and something else.
Correct me if im wrong but the mother is clearly not a German shepherd so is the father a German Shepherd?
This breaks my heart so bad that this is reality. Thank you so much for doing something for these dogs, they don't deserve that hard of a life. Thank you so much World animal awareness society <3
This happened on my 9th birthday!!!!
awww panda is adorable
seve animals dogs
Aweee, the dog is too Adorable!!
You are doing good for the world and u are the most amazing people ever!! ❤️
I think you're awesome for saving them puppies
When they cant feed the dog or take care of them so why they wanna keep them?
What breed was Sonya? Great vid!!
I just don't understand how people can be so cruel to an animal in any and everyway. they are one of Gods creatures he created.