To my fans old and new, you all have been so amazing in your support of me and my singing! Enjoy the following story and highlight reel of my recent performances. Please help me get my story out there by liking and sharing with your friends! With your help, I can inspire more and more people with my voice and my story. This year is off to a phenomenal start and it’s only going to get more AMAZING!!! I cannot wait to share with you all some of the things I have coming up! I am so grateful for all of these blessings. With love – Angelica xoxo
#angelicahalemusic #singer #survivor #kidneytransplantsurvivor #purposedrivenlife #angelicahale #liveyourdream
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Website: http://AngelicaHaleMusic.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AngelicaHaleMusic
Instagram: http://instagram.com/angelicahale
Snapchat: Angelica_Hale
Twitter: https://twitter.com/AngelicaHale
Please share this video: https://youtu.be/lxSPxhQigP4
Thanks for taking the time to watch Angelica’s videos. If you enjoy them, please Like, Subscribe, and help spread the word about Angelica and her singing!
Angelica Hale is an aspiring Singer and Actress from Atlanta!
Represented by the J Pervis Talent Agency (404) 688-9700 in Atlanta and the Clear Talent Group (CTG) (212) 840-4100 in New York City.
Angelica is currently performing around the United States at local and national Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals’ fundraising events in support of the organization and the children in need that they help support! She loves sharing her story and inspiring everyone at these events! Keep up with Angelica and her journeys on her website at AngelicaHaleMusic.com and on Facebook!!
In 2012, when Angelica was 4 years old, she became very ill with double pneumonia due to an aggressive Strep Pneumococcal bacterial infection. She desperately needed life-saving medical intervention and was put on ECMO life-support at Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta. She went septic and experienced multiple organ failure. Her kidneys were devastated and she underwent hemodialysis and later peritoneal dialysis. After 80 straight days in the hospital, from near-death to long road to recovery, Angelica finally made it home, but her life was forever changed. After a year and a half of dialysis, Angelica was ready for the biggest surgery of her life – her Kidney Transplant! And the donor kidney would come from none other than her very own Mother!
On Friday, September 13, 2013, Angelica and her mom underwent kidney transplantation surgery at two remarkable hospitals across the street from each other – Emory University Hospital and Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta! The surgery was an absolute success and Angelica got her life back. The joyful, happy, caring, and loving little girl came back and her parents have couldn’t be happier!
Angelica is very thankful to all the nurses and doctors who saved her life, her parents for always supporting and loving her, her Music and Acting Teachers for helping her grow and flourish, her friends for all the love and happiness they bring her, and her awesome fans for being so amazing, engaging, and truly believing in her!