John the Baptist: Prepare for What? Compilation

John the Baptist: Prepare for What? Compilation
Spread The Viralist

In this Bible series project, Pastor Jon shares with us how John the Baptist prepared the way for Jesus–and how we must continue preparing for Jesus today.

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About the Author: Time of Grace Ministry


  1. When an atheist tells me there's no evidence of a God*, I ask if they believe in extra-terrestrial Life. Almost invariably the answer is "of course! There's Life on Earth and of course the Drake Equation"°.

    *God manifests as Gravity. He giveth (Sol, solar system) and he taketh (Nova). No Life besides Gaia exists.

    °Fermi Paradox
    Given the length of existence of the 'known' Universe, not having ever been contacted by an extra-terrestrial Life, we are alone besides the God over Us.

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