Rescue Abandoned Dog Had Huge Tumor Covering His Mouth Make You Cry

Rescue Abandoned Dog Had Huge Tumor Covering His Mouth Make You Cry
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Rescue Abandoned Dog Has Huge Tumor Covering His Mouth Make You Cry

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Thomas was abandoned very cruel
He had a huge tumor covering his mouth
He had ulcers, an infection that made it difficult to eat
But Thomas is strong and trying to live

After receiving the rescue message, we immediately approached and taken to the shelter for treatment

He has to treat many times and for a long time

After nearly 3 months of treatment, he completely recovered
God bless Thomas

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The dodo pet rescue:
Howl Of A Dog:
Hope For Paws – Official Rescue Channel:
Animal Aid Unlimited, India:

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Thank you for watching!

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About the Author: Animal Rescue


  1. Um caso terrível, que na minha opinião nenhum animal merece. Este vídeo não foi Verdadeiro até o fim. Infelizmente o pobrezinho morreu. O cão que aparece no final é outro. Mais claro, orelhas diferentes. Porque não mostraram todas as fases da cura ? Quem vcs pensam que enganam? Enroladores. Trapaceiros. Provem de forma convincente que este inocentinho ficou curado. Vão trabalhar para ganhar dinheiro. Não usem o sofrimento dos inocentes. You Tube deveria investigar melhor a origem das postagens. Que vergonha, que sujeira. Ajudem os animais mesmo. Sem tentar iludir para ganhar dinheiro.

  2. Deus e Jesus vêem tudo nada escapam da justiça dos Céus que maltratam os animais nunca vao ser feliz terao um final triste muito triste…por favor penssem nisso ; nao usem o sofrimento desse anjinho para obterem aproveito…O mundo da voltas que faz maudades recebera maudades … se vocês realmente estao agindo de boa Fé em ajudar o caozinho…Deus e Jesus os Abençoaram…

  3. これどうしたの?

  4. Poor dog……in many of these videos I don't think these people are taking these dogs to the vets. Or vets don't know what the hell they are doing! I'm assuming the dog died…..the picture at end was him before he got sick. His mouth looked worse at the end than at the start. How sad……

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