Rescue Poor Dog Has Scabies, Infections Make Lose Lower Jaw & Great Transformation
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This is our new rescue
His name is Papi Jose
Papi Jose suffered from scabies and infections causing him to lose his lower jaw
The wound caused a lot of rotten smell
He was too painful and severely malnourished
After being taken to the clinic, the doctor did not start treatment immediately because Papi Jose’s health was very weak
We have to take care so he regains his strength
Tomorrow, Papi Jose will be taken back to the clinic to undergo wound surgery.
After many surgeries, (4 times) his wounds were controlled
We continue to take good care of Papi Jose
Six months later
Papi Jose was fully recovered, he was gaining a lot of weight (5 Kg)
He has a very happy life and we are, too
Papi Jose is too sweet … after days of misfortune
God has Papi!
More about best dog rescue videos & channel touching your heart here:
The dodo pet rescue: https://www.youtube.com/user/TheDodoSite
Howl Of A Dog: https://www.youtube.com/user/HowlOfADog
Hope For Paws – Official Rescue Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/eldad75
Animal Aid Unlimited, India: https://www.youtube.com/user/AnimalAi…
Help more Animal click here: https://bit.ly/2V6WWre
If there are any copyright issues with any videos posted here i will remove them. please contact my email: nguyenthithiqnu@gmail.com
Thank you for watching!
#straypaws, #dogrescue, #rescuedog
Como é bom ver esse anjinho recuperado…Deus abençoem vocês
God bless u for taking care of this sweet baby!!
Dios bendiga la persona kien rescato a estos perros
Before this video concerning animal love, there is an advertisement for beef meat. Now that we know the horrible manner they are being killed, throat cut, then suspended by one leg until their blood has run out of the body, I think this advertisment is very choking.
Angel eyes.
God bless you all team rescue!
Bless his soul. Through all that pain, he’s still such a happy playful baby ???????
Exposed wound on Papi looked painful..but he recovered well. Wonderful Papi is with good family with amazing friends in loving home.
See the happiness on her face all babies are happy in you house wagging their tails thanks for the kindly help and support for the poor baby giving him a lots of love and happiness God bless him and be healthy life my little angel
Mam your first video is very much cared and helpful awesome rescue your system is so much better than the other I like it you cared the baby like your chi please give him lots of love and happiness God bless him and be healthy life my little angel
Thank you
These people are Angel's from heaven
Parabéns vc tem alma nobreza
Vcs são seres divinos ????????❤❤❤
Ohh poor puppy thank You Angels poor baby stop abbandono stop abused thank You Angels ❤❤❤❤❤????????????????????????
Grazie mille per la disponibilità ad aiutare gli animali in difficoltà
Thank you ????
So happy puppie. thanks for your work .
You all do God's work. ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️
omg look at that tail, it doesnt stop wagging???❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ god bless you little baby ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Complimenti a tutti quanti per avere dato una possibilità di vita….
Les humains sont monstrueux c'est des criminels voilà ce qui arrive quand on les abandonne quand on les laisse il attrape des infections ils savent pas se nourrir vous êtes vraiment des criminels alors ne prenez pas de chien plaie c'est les autres qui les aime arrêtez ça arrêtez faut des amandes il faut de la prison vous allez peut-être arrêter de les abandonner il faut les aider il faut les soigner il faut les aimer ils ont une vie petite vie elle est pas très longue l'envie de vivre heureux sauver les merci merci qu'est-ce qu'ils sont beaux tous les deux ils sont magnifiques
?? thank you ??????
God bless you.?????????
Papi Jose NEVER deserved ANY of this…..the suffering, pain and horrible injuries inflicted by a cruel and sadistic human being. Please give him the life he´s MORE than worthy of, the life he´s been denied all his life. I´m SO happy and grateful to you for taking him under your care, because ALL lives matters, ALL lives are sacred…..God Bless all of you involved in his rescue and wonderful transformation…..
Thank you so much !!!!
Lots of thanks again and again and again
Gracias por tener humanidad y cuidarlos pobres estan pidiendo amor con su actitud son tan super fieles y cariñosos, y nos necesitan para darles cuidados y el amor q por desgracia nunca tuvieron solo golpes abandono y maltrato
May God bless this little guy. And you Angels.
Poor little guy!!! Thank you for saving this precious pup ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Es bonita la perrita dios bendiga a esas personas que la operaron de su hociquito ahora es feliz gracias
Me da muchísima tristeza que seres tan nobles sufran tanto por gente que no los respeta gracias !!!! Por ayudar que mejore
Thanks for saving his life
Vocês merece todo meu carinho e respeito obrigado por cuidar desses anjos tão indefesos ??????
God bless you???? Thanks Guys for saving dog and Guys your work is really important and beautiful and great?????????????????????????
Вечная память живодеры
Господи, дякую тобі що є ще ЛЮДИ, а не тільки двуногі істоти без серця та душі!
That tail is always wagging that’s how happy he his thank you for saving him.❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
God bless you Both
Nice ????????i love my ? dog ? ? thank you
Thanks for helping out
The dog is the next star of enegizer ad