One of the cutest puppies missingsmitty — December 25, 2019 17 comments Tweet on Twitter Share on Facebook Google+ Pinterest Spread The Viralist 8 week old puppy. Not sure what breed mix yet. But seriously adorable. source (A and barking cute duck growling puppy squeaky tiny Toy Tweet on Twitter Share on Facebook Google+ Pinterest
It even waved goodbye. Awwwwww…..#Weak.
It looks like a border collie mixed with something
u got nice legs, lucky doggy to bite them
awwwwwwww !!!!! sooo KUTE !
shit-zu and pomeranian? sorry for spelling.. +__+
what kind of dog is that?? A Maltese right?
what kinda puppy is she she so cute i want 1
looks like a mix between a pomeranian and chihuahua. hes adorable.
omgg the cutest thing ive ever seeen!!! <3333
Aww! Sooo cute! It looks like my dog! Mine is a Pomchi! pom and chihuahua mix!
looks like a pom and chiwa wa or however you spell it lol
every little cute puppy like that always bites my nose, i kinda like it
so freakin cute! I love that he(?) bites your leg b/c he cant get the toy…so cute
that was adorable
i want that puppy!
omg :27 was soo cute