Watch adults Kurgan and Ulu play with puppies Puukko and Ka-Bar in the snow together.
Kurgan is a Blue Bay Shepherd. Ulu, Puukko and Ka-Bar are part of ther Lycan Shepherd Project. Ulu is a F1 Lycan Shepherd. You can see videos of Ulu and the rest of her litter as puppies if you go back on my channel and watch my videos from the summer of 2017. Also in this video are (F2) Lycan Shepherds Ka-Bar and Puukko. They are both out of my last litter between Ulu and Kurgan. Video of that litter being born can be viewed on my channel here…
* What is a Lycan Shepherd?
– Answer: It is a new working breed in the early stages of development. The breeds currently being used in its development are Blue Bay Shepherd, working line German Shepherd and Malinois. The breed is still in the early foundation stage of development.
*** Video regarding the Army SUPER DOG Program discussed in the video and how to do ‘Early Neurological Stimulation’ to your puppies to greatly affect their future found here…
German Shepherd Off Leash in Paradise
*Blizzard of Oz Playlist !!!
*** Mississippi Witch Videos Playlist ***
Some RAW feeding videos I recommend below…
Is It Expensive To Feed Your Dog RAW Foods?
Does RAW food make dogs aggressive?
Guide to feeding dogs RAW food
How to feed your dog RAW food
How to feed your puppy RAW food
* Full video series: FOOD AGGRESSION IN PUPPIES *
***Here is a playlist of 100+ videos of my dogs and puppies eating various things on the raw diet…
***Here are my channels top 3 videos…
This Is What Happens When You Feed RAW food To Dogs!!!
This Is What Happens When You Feed Cucumber To Dogs!!!
444,170 view
ANTHEM of an OUTLAW – Apalachee Don (featuring BIG Chuk)
**Here is a NEW playlist of my channel’s most popular video:
Minnesota Renaissance Festival 2018
* Visit my Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/1st508th_airborne/
* Tammy’s Instagram:
Mr Chadde, thank you for your wonderful videos. Is talapia a farmed fish? I can get talapia but I'm hesitant since I've heard it is farmed
Very cool to see mom, dad and sons playing together ?. They are all so beautiful.
Happy belated Thanksgiving to you and the family. Kisses and hugs to all of you.
Truly Stunning dogs.
Awe man Kurgan loves you. The way he was looking at you and the arm nudge. Very sweet, triggered a nice memory. Thanks.
Oh god nooo! No lycan centipede. You went and put the picture in my head. Arghh!
They are such a beautiful pack!!! I would love to get a Lycan shepherd or a Blue Bay Shepherd. They are so beautiful and seem to be such a loving family members. Great job on the breeding of the two pups!! They are so beautiful!!
I love kabars little face when he wants petted you can almost see him smile ??????????
Just love watching them play in the snow. And Puukkoo is so huge, he just keeps growing. He is going to be a gorgeous dog. Hope you and your family have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
Happy Thanksgiving my Yank cousins ?
Have a great time and keep safe
Couldnt sleep anymore cus of pain sooo watching my favorite dogs on youtube <3
Oh, black beauties?☺️ and snow…Lovely? Have a great weekend!!?
Happy Thanksgiving to you guys!!! Dont forget to feed the pack some raw turkey legs!!!!??❤?
Great video.
Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family. Also
Thank you for your services Sir.
Cuties! Puppies having fun, they enjoying d snow! Sweet vid!??❤???
Happy Thanksgiving to the most amazing Pack! ?
Wonder if we'll get to see the turkey feast.?
What a beautiful family ❤️
From the Compton Pack to yours, Happy Thanksgiving <3 Hope you all have a wonderful time and enjoy life. Safe travels for those out and about. Hi Pack : )
Happy Thanksgiving Brother to you and Tammy!
Beautiful natures in these dogs, very gentle. Thanks for sharing. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Ulu is so sweet ?Happy Thanksgiving do you and your family Chad??
Are you going to breed Ulu and Kergan again on her next heat?
Kabar has such a pretty red head!!???♀️
Is mamma about to go into heat or is the puppy just being dominant??!???
Don't eat the yellow snow
I love Kurgan’s eyes!!! The pups are coming out amazing! I’m getting a puppy soon, so I definitely need to refresh on all your videos to train my pup.
Great puppy and parent play the snow looks great you guys got quite a bit thanks for the show.
Sure Chadde, blame it on Kurgan, when you're burpin'. ;D
An amazing pack of awesome smart dogs playing and enjoying the snow. ❄
King Kurgan is so beautiful and lets not forget the beauty of queen Ulu.
Pups are growing up nice. Learning to enjoy the snow. It looks nice, everything covered in❄❄❄.
Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family. ?
Beautiful ❤❤
Happy holidays to your family and dogs ?
Snoowww,, ❄️ nice and the family out in the snow Kurgans temperament is so nice,, he never got irritated with all the young'uns messing with him
And happy Thanksgiving to all on ur side of tbe woods too ?
Happy Thanksgiving to you Tammy and the dogs
This video is extra special, to see the four as a family was awesome, there's so much love, happiness and ferocity in these dogs, it speaks well of the bloodline. The genetic foundation of Lycan shepherds is very strong, I cant wait to see it grow.
Such a beautiful pack. I’m guessing yorkies are inside, by the fireplace 🙂
You nailed: too many dogs not enough hands
What to say…? i think your video says it all.. So much haopines and love in them..❤? amazing
The pups (giggle, giggle!) are really dominating (giggle, giggle!) poor lil' King Kurgan!! Chadde, might have to go rescue him!! ? ? ?
Beginning @ 06:15 King Kurgan…..what a big ol' sweetheart he is !!! He's just laying there minding his own business and everyone converges on to him; and he loves it! You've also got some videos that were uploaded in the last few days that I look forward to catching up on during this Thanksgiving break….can't wait.
And Chadde, just want to say I hope you, The Beautiful Tammy, your children, friends and OF COURSE the Pack have a wonderful and safe Thanksgiving Day!
centipede Lycan Shepherd funny Chadde ???
?Football A team of little animals and a team of big animals decided to play football. During the first half of the game, the big animals were winning. But during the second half, a centipede scored so many touchdowns that the little animals won the game. When the game was over, the chipmunk asked the centipede, Where were you during the first half? He replied "?Putting on my shoes!"
have a great thanksgiving holiday you and your family
Chadde & Tammy
How old are the pups now?