Fox cubs rescued from a fur farm in Poland

Fox cubs rescued from a fur farm in Poland
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In August 2015 our intervened at a fox farm in Kiełczewo in western Poland to rescue two fox cubs.

One of the cubs lacked one rear paw, while the other only had two front paws. The animals had difficulties moving around the cage and suffered from serious health issues. We took them away from the farm in accordance with the Animal Protection Act.

The farmer disclaimed the ownership of the animals to Open Cages. Now the foxes which we named Jaś i Małgosia (Hansel and Gretel) are safe and enjoy a happy life at an animal sanctuary.

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About the Author: Open Cages


  1. Uh, I'm not supporting the people in charge of the farm or anything, but if you want good fur you have to give the things good nutrition and environment, idiots.

  2. They are such lovely animals,shame people cant see past an expensive coat that took weeks of torture & ill treatment to these poor innocent creatures to make. Anyone that steals an animals coat to wear is cruel and heartless with more money than sence.

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