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About the Author: The Highlight Factory


  1. Los eres (muy bien después de rumbar 15,800€de Cada uno de los españoles hace 9 años más intereses. Ahora hay que mantenerlos porque no los ponen a trabajar y devuelvan el dinero. Para hacienda que somos todos que va a hacer deberían pensar algo que se vea…………….

  2. The problem with this video is that it does not describe amazing things of humans. Just take one day in "the battle of the Somme for example" then you'll know what I mean.

  3. The baseball pitch was the craziest. It is the only one I had to rewind to see what the hell just happened. It’s also crazy because he planned it while some other videos were a little luck. Most videos however were amazing.

  4. WHAT is that title??!!!! Humans are amazing sports???!!! It would make sense if you said “Humans are amazing at sports” and I would totally understand if you just had a brain fart and forgot to type at. But broooo proof-read/view your shit

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