“American football?” Is dogshit. And basketball? It’s a game for halfwits who jump around like monkeys. None of the games require any skill set whatsoever. Just sheer luck
Soccer highlights 10/10, soccer game 0/10. Those (American, sigh) football runs were amazing.
Men will be men but this men is not a men they are the men of the men
Los eres (muy bien después de rumbar 15,800€de Cada uno de los españoles hace 9 años más intereses. Ahora hay que mantenerlos porque no los ponen a trabajar y devuelvan el dinero. Para hacienda que somos todos que va a hacer deberían pensar algo que se vea…………….
Zlatan ???
Ali bomaye?
Have not seen highlights this good, some are not as clear- but DAMN- they were good.
November, 2019??
Visual orgasm
So no one care about the thumbnail huh?
Why were there no goalies in this compilation??!!11! Smh ?
The title should be: humans are amazing sports( usa 98%)
nothing its amazing only training
Nice grammar on the title
White kids always being run over by black guys in basketball.
Great job on these videos!
MEN are amazing**
The problem with this video is that it does not describe amazing things of humans. Just take one day in "the battle of the Somme for example" then you'll know what I mean.
Legends say those saints players are still trying to tackle Marshawn Lynch
The end is the best..
Muhammed Ali was straight dodging bullets.
That dude on the Falcons team (INCREDIBLE HULKED) that one nigga. I never seen anything like that. Daaaummm!
5:06 when you dodge al the defenders…. and even the camera man 3 times
الي جاي من عند ناجي القاق
The title tho
Your mom's an amazing sport
The baseball pitch was the craziest. It is the only one I had to rewind to see what the hell just happened. It’s also crazy because he planned it while some other videos were a little luck. Most videos however were amazing.
Humans invented sports
죽는것은 정하신것이요 그후에는심판이있다 히9
They should have just put dude perfect?
Humans are amazing at sports and they are also the worst at sports to
WHAT is that title??!!!! Humans are amazing sports???!!! It would make sense if you said “Humans are amazing at sports” and I would totally understand if you just had a brain fart and forgot to type at. But broooo proof-read/view your shit
Nice title mate, well technically we invented them, so we bloody better be
2:28 Me trying to avoid debt collectors ?
“American football?” Is dogshit. And basketball? It’s a game for halfwits who jump around like monkeys. None of the games require any skill set whatsoever. Just sheer luck
Soccer highlights 10/10, soccer game 0/10. Those (American, sigh) football runs were amazing.
1:00 Mastered Ultra Instinct M.Ali Legend
#6:0 was dope
Muhammad Ali Ultra instinct
Who was waiting for Ronaldo’s freekick?
Men will be men but this men is not a men they are the men of the men
Los eres (muy bien después de rumbar 15,800€de Cada uno de los españoles hace 9 años más intereses. Ahora hay que mantenerlos porque no los ponen a trabajar y devuelvan el dinero. Para hacienda que somos todos que va a hacer deberían pensar algo que se vea…………….
Zlatan ???
Ali bomaye?
Have not seen highlights this good, some are not as clear- but DAMN- they were good.
November, 2019??
Visual orgasm
So no one care about the thumbnail huh?
Why were there no goalies in this compilation??!!11! Smh ?
@2:11 scorpion kick
Try some cricket catch….
The title should be: humans are amazing sports( usa 98%)
nothing its amazing only training
Nice grammar on the title
White kids always being run over by black guys in basketball.
Great job on these videos!
MEN are amazing**
The problem with this video is that it does not describe amazing things of humans. Just take one day in "the battle of the Somme for example" then you'll know what I mean.
Legends say those saints players are still trying to tackle Marshawn Lynch
The end is the best..
Muhammed Ali was straight dodging bullets.
That dude on the Falcons team (INCREDIBLE HULKED) that one nigga. I never seen anything like that. Daaaummm!
0:59 and watch it on 0.25x
5:06 when you dodge al the defenders…. and even the camera man 3 times
الي جاي من عند ناجي القاق
The title tho
Your mom's an amazing sport
The baseball pitch was the craziest. It is the only one I had to rewind to see what the hell just happened. It’s also crazy because he planned it while some other videos were a little luck. Most videos however were amazing.
Humans invented sports
죽는것은 정하신것이요 그후에는심판이있다 히9
They should have just put dude perfect?
Humans are amazing at sports and they are also the worst at sports to
WHAT is that title??!!!! Humans are amazing sports???!!! It would make sense if you said “Humans are amazing at sports” and I would totally understand if you just had a brain fart and forgot to type at. But broooo proof-read/view your shit
Nice title mate, well technically we invented them, so we bloody better be
The Vince Carter dunk tho
Soccer sucks, hockey sucks
Tiger wood, Jonna lomu, etc etc