[I released this out on IGTV Summer 2019, but never onto YouTube until now – December 2019.]
I stitched together some videos that I took during my gap year now that I’m finally ‘done’ with my Adult Gap Year. It’s been a pivotal year for me that set me on another wave of adventures that I never could’ve imagined for myself…all it took was some faith and an open heart (and some planning). To be honest, this video was for myself in trying to piece the story that I understand in my heart…
Majority of videos were taken from my iPhone, and some were from my Olympus OM-D E-M5
Shots were mainly taken in Belgium, Germany, France, Italy, Portugal, Vietnam, trains and planes going between countries/cities, Mexico, New York, and Texas. I spent a lot of time in Texas when both my parents ended up in the hospital, down to the time when my Dad unexpectedly passed away.
My Dad’s last (and most unspecific request) was to have his ashes thrown back into a body of water. After his 100-Day post-death, the family still wasn’t able to figure out where to spread his ashes. We were all lukewarm about his ashes being thrown into the Gulf Coast until I was surprised with the best gift on our first Father’s Day without my Dad.
My sister called me saying that the family agreed to spread his ashes in New York (where I lived) since he always loved to travel, and his ashes would be pushed into the Atlantic Ocean.
The best part for me was that it was done near the Statue of Liberty, and ode of what open doors can mean to refugees like him, and the future generations to come.
**Quick Overview of my Adult Gap Year**
**FunShoot Podcast Episode 4 – where I talk about my Gap Year in Full Detail**
**My Website
That really touched me and appreciate you sharing your adult gap year. It is an inspiration to take the break especially from burnout. We have a lot in common with losing our dads (if I am correct) also. I was a caregiver my Dad and now my mom for years. Many blessings to you and your family. I will be on the lookout for your endeavors out here in the West. ?. Cheers!