Rescue Stray Dog with Huge Tumor on Back | Amazing Transformation
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Rescue Stray Dog with Huge Tumor on Back | Amazing Transformation
Finally I got her.
This poor dog who have a huge tumour maybe 6 kilograms of tumour….i manage to catch him after a long fight and run after him/her through all the bushes and thorns from fields.He or she even i gave tranquline to make her sleepy she or him gave me hard moments .I had to run over 1000metrees into bushes .Was a huge danger because she could fall into a hole beeing sleepy.She tried to bite me beeing so scared.
But she is safe and on the way to a vet.
Courtesy: https://www.facebook.com/chris.ciortan
More about best dog rescue videos & channel touching your heart here:
The dodo pet rescue: https://www.youtube.com/user/TheDodoSite
Howl Of A Dog: https://www.youtube.com/user/HowlOfADog
Hope For Paws – Official Rescue Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/eldad75
Help more Animal click here: https://bit.ly/2V6WWre
If there are any copyright issues with any videos posted here i will remove them. please contact my email: nguyenthithiqnu@gmail.com
Thank you for watching!
#straypaws, #dogrescue, #rescuedog
Oh my God… That poor dog. Thank you for helping him.
Update please did Bunica get adopted? And pictures with her new family?
Эпическая сила…это что за напасть у животины была…
Gracias por ayudar a esos seres indefensos
Thank you nice angels
“Like” if We should take out all of the animal abusers in the World, and have them Shot?!
Gracias y mil gracias por ayudarla
Felicitări,mai sânt și oameni cu suflet mare
Shame on the people who do this to a dog .A dog is a man's best friend????
Crasas a deus ele foi curado
Benditos sean por ayudar al perrito ??
Lindo lo que hacen saludos desde Chile
Music is too loud,, it covers the words. Otherwise, nice job. Thks.
Well done. God bless you
Grazie mille , grazie per il bene che fate a queste sfortunate creature , poveri tesori , senza il vostro aiuto morirebbero . Vi ammiro moltissimo ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Thank you thank you thank you kind people for making a difference in this sweet dogs life!!!!
Props to the ? for feeling better but I was into seeing the tumor being removed and wonder what it would look like.
Ainda tem doente mental e mau caráter que dá deslike para uma ação maravilhosa dessa! Que Deus retribua com muitas bençãos essas pessoas que, de boa vontade, cuidam dos indefesos animais! Belo trabalho!
Luzia aparecida silva q dò vcs eståo de parabėns no seus trabalho olha a carinha de dele quero te agradecer.amem
До слез. Спасибо, люди добрые, что вы есть!
To tears. Thank you, good people, that you are! except us, no one can help them, our smaller brothers. god bless??
She’s beautiful.
Did you name him Quasimodo?
???браво и спасибо вам,удачи друг и новой семьи
Thank your for saving him. God bless you all
This is why I like to watch stuff like this. The dogs/cats/whatever the animal is always look so sad, but they’re so happy at the end, like they know everything’s gonna be ok. Wholesome af uwu
Не одного слова не поняла, но чувствую что то хорошее говорит. Спасибо вам, добрые люди, вы просто ангелы!❤
I like everyone, s comments ?
Poor baby that's so alful,im glad they rescued this sweet heart ??
Gli animali non dimenticano mai chi ha fatto il bene ma l'UOMO si. Grazie mille per il vostro aiuto.
Must been eating too much on the left over fast food.
God bless Bunica.
God bless all the people who helps the poor animals.
Grazie x tutto quello che fate x lui ciao piccolo buona vita amore grazie siete delle persone fantastiche ciao!!!?????????????
Grazie x tutto quello che fate x lui ciao piccolo buona vita amore grazie siete delle persone fantastiche ciao!!!?????????????
Oh yes! Thank you guys!???❤❤❤????
Benditos sean!!!!, Son unos ángeles, llenos de luz. ?????????
Son unos ángeles. Gracias por haberla ayudado tantísimo. ????????