Rescue Thin Poor Dog Was Abused & Great Transformation

Rescue Thin Poor Dog Was Abused & Great Transformation
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Rescue Abandoned Dog Has Huge Tumor Covering His Mouth Make You Cry

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Sasha was abused by her Owner
They don’t feed Sasha so very malnourished
She is being attacked by a lot of ticks …
After approaching and take her to the hospital
First, we remove the ticks, bathe her
They then transfused blood and continuously fed it with very good nutrients

Today, Sasha was brought home, she was sunbathing and walking
Every month, she is still periodically checked, Today she is nearly 20kg (Increase 5kg)
A great result! We congratulate Sasha!

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The dodo pet rescue:
Howl Of A Dog:
Hope For Paws – Official Rescue Channel:
Animal Aid Unlimited, India:

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Thank you for watching!

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About the Author: Animal Rescue


  1. Linda! Linda! Vcs a salvaram, podem ter certeza disso!
    Obrigada por existirem e por ajudarem esses anjos a terem uma segunda chance de serem felizes! ???❤❤❤

  2. Back in the old days my dad and the Wolf Hunters had a flea tick and mange remedy they had a 55-gallon drum and they would dip the dogs in there once every 6 months they were Wolfhounds never got a tick on them flea or mange but I was too young to remember what they used if only I could remember my brothers are all gone and the rest of the family don't know how sad I would give anything to know what it was he had in that Barrel they would turn the dogs loose to run in the woods for a week at a time and meet back at the precise place that they were let out at amazing alot of good remedies are gone if not documented from the old days sad

  3. The owner should be abused just like he abused this innocent dog. People have really lost their damn minds. People who are cruel to innocent animals are cowards.

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