10 Twitch Streamers Who Caught Ghosts Live
Ever since we were little we were obsessed with scary stories. Getting scared seems to be the
one thing we cannot escape. And even though most of the worldly phenomena get solved by
science, there are some who science just can’t seem to put a finger on. They have always been
a mystery. Paranormal world, ghosts, spirits, monsters… call them what you want, they
constantly peak our curiosity. They baffle, amaze and scare us to death. To prove how terrifying
they can be, just imagine being home alone after watching a horror film, and hearing a sudden
thump on your door. What do you do? Do you run? Do you hide? Do you scream? That’s exactly
what happened to the streamers we’re about to feature. Let’s dive in to the creepy world of the
paranormal gaming. Here are the Top 10 Twitch Streamers Who Caught Ghosts Live.
#10 Sir Gary’s Door
A relatively new youtuber, SirGaryTube is a twitch streamer who uploads videos of him playing
Pokemon Go on YouTube. He has a decent following on twitch and around 3500 Subscribers on
YouTube. Getting only about 1000 views per video, he was quite unnoticeable, until a while
ago, when he uploaded a video of his haunted room on YouTube. The video got around 28 000
views, which is a multiple of almost 30, compared to his previous videos. On the video you can
clearly see him playing Pokemon Go, when all of a sudden, the door behind him slams shut,
right in front of the camera. The terrified streamer immediately turns behind him and asks
whether his fans saw the door getting shut. However, no one noticed the rather unsettling
view. He paused the stream, reviewed the video footage and claims he was alone in the room.
Guess not sir Gary.
If you like this, wait till you see what we have in store for you.
#9 Ghostly Breathing
https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x7jvkcs (number 1 on the list)
Here’s another one the takes the cake. Krazy Moe got a real surprise when he got back to his
stream. His channel is particularly small and very new. During one of his streams he is telling his
viewers how he managed to get a new high-quality microphone and other ger. Turns out, his
mic was a bit too good. How can a mic be too good? Just keep watching. While playing, Moe
announces that he wants to take a break and then leaves the room. He figured he’d leave the
stream on while grabbing a drink. But when he came back, his stream got bombarded with
questions from his viewers. Why? After leaving the room, his microphone picked up some
heavy and slow breathing, after Moe had obviously walked out of the room. He was unaware of
what had happened, and when he came back he got a small unpleasant surprise. If you listen
closely you can hear it… whatever IT is!
#8 Syndicate’s Spook
Everyone in the twitch community knows who Syndicate is. Just shy of 10 million subscribers,
he is a celebrity when it comes to gaming tutorials, gameplays and reaction videos. He gained
most of his popularity by filming video games like Minecraft, Call of Duty Zombies, Fortnite and
many more. While playing Black Ops 3, he hears a sudden screech on the door. He immediately
jumps from his chair and throws his headphones. He then asks the viewers whether they heard
the noise coming from the door. In that very moment, as he is getting ready to head out and
confront the thing behind the door… he hears a violent knock. He rushes to open the door and
he is attacked by a masked man. He starts yelling, cursing and shouts I hate you to… his dad. It
turns out, his father pranked Syndicate. Not actually a ghost story, but Syndicate did think so.
If you enjoyed our first 3 picks, we’d really appreciate it if you hit that like button.
#7 Dufner’s Ghost
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ecQ6GbhSE5E (2:05 min)
Here is a youtuber that doesn’t focus only on gaming, he does vlogs, challenges, pranks and
much more. The funny and energetic personality of this youtuber attracts a lot of viewers. But
all of this fun and games took on a serious note once the objects in his room started moving
during one of his Fortnite streams. His viewers were baffled by the weird activity in his room,
and they started telling him what’s going on behind him. He pays little to no attention to them
as he is concentrated on the game. As he continues playing, his chair moves on its own, and it
exits the room. His viewers are completely terrified and point out what’s been happening to
Dufner. Once he saw that his chair is missing. He pauses the game and goes to see what’s going
on, but to his surprise, there’s no one there…
Me:Someone else!
If the door closes automaticly
Maybe it could be due to fast wind that just slam the door or a friend or member may closed the door
Fake news
This is fake
U must believe these videos guys u watch this all day in real life nothing paranormal
3 knocks is not good my grandma told to do not open the door if in 3 knocks I have a story about I was watching a TV and someone knock on door I open no people until it knock again and I open still no one and it knock on the 3rd time and I never open it cause I focus on watching TV what happened if I did open it in the 3rd knock
I already see a lot of things moving in the videos but not in live stream instead but in the videos is much creepy like what happened to icalixo that balloon behind him moved
Let's make this channel 100k sub's for he's silver play button
1:38 pokemon go?ARE YOU KIDDING ME
Crazy moe faked leaving the room he opened and closed the door and was just breathing into the mic
-_-|| number 1 did't scare me
it did't scare me at all ( ̄へ ̄)
I was sleeping then I woke up a voice behind me and when I turned around to
See what it was I only got a thump on the head by a hand it felt like there was no one there ????
great video ty
Only two videos showed doors slamming the rest didn't show shit but facial expressions this sucked
We bought our first house in 1986. We use to hear strange noises. But when my daughter was about 11 she had a friend sleep over. They were watching a movie (good old VHS) and the movie ejected, no big deal, she pushed it back in and a little while later it ejected again, but it also shot out if the machine. Scared the you know what out of the girls.
She also had balls thrown at her.
One day she came running in from her room and ask where her dad was. I said in the garage. She said you sure? I said yes why? Cause a man just walked down the hall.
(Our house was very small and no one could have passed me to get down the hall) so I went and looked in all the rooms. No one was there. She said he was as tall as her dad but was waring a hat (her dad doesn't and has never had a hat like she described ).
We use to hear knocking. ON inside doors. Things would go missing. Touch lights would come on in the middle of the night. But the Poltergeist just really liked to pick on her the most. It would bother me some. Noises and phantom smoke I would see in my peripheral vision. It never bothered my son (that I know of).
Or my husband.
Wasn't the first house I lived in that was haunted.
Pokemon go or pokemon sword
Nice trick if you want to be popular
9:26 not a ghost someone hacking her
Lame, just lame.
Vidoe starts at 1:00
More than once, I've had encounters with the Paranormal.
Sir Gary is not new
Wow i’m da 10th comment hehe :3
It's night here
thats not many for a channel with nearly 100k subs
According to scientist ghost aren’t real even tho it could be demons the only demon type things