Jack and Geoff are back on a very cold Friday to deliver a brand-spankin’ new Fails of the Weak! Enjoy! Join FIRST to watch episodes early: http://bit.ly/2wf5zPJ
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Fails of the Weak: Ep. 17 – Funny Halo 4 Bloopers and Screw Ups! | Rooster Teeth
So this is DADDYF4TS4K and uh-
2011 Geoff: "Good thing I don't have a lot of grenades around." 2019 Geoff: *Looks at the AH arsenal, looks at Ryan
almost 9 years later, i am revisiting this video because for no reason at all, i remembered the name "DaddyF4tS4k" and how much it tickled geoff in this video.
thank you jack and geoff for continuing to make great content, and for ruining my brain forever 🙂
Off-topic, but I made so many stupid comments the first few times I watched these videos YEARS ago. So I'm laughing at the clips AND cringing at my less mature self.
I don’t know why this is in my recommended after 8 years, but I’m very satisfied! Nostalgia at its finest
Jack: “17 is a prime number. Did you know that?
Geoff: “I don’t know what that means.”
Really shows the level of education Geoff got.
“17 is a prime number.” – Jack (2011)
“I don’t even know what that means..” – Geoff (2011)
Still waiting on the crush video
I'm laughing so hard I actually punctured a rib, not lying
Fun Fact: Two deaths with one bullet is called a Quigley.
I spent half an hour laughing at DADDYF4TS4K
Hey grif
I think they say halo 4 since it’s the fourth halo game
0:18 Geoff's fake laugh
0:28 Geoff's real laugh
Rooster Teeth! Bring this back, please.
Daddyf4ts4k is a perfect name
3:20 when everyone in the comments is talking about geoff laughing hysterically after saying he wasn't going to
daddyf4ts4k legendary
0:24….BEST! TAG! EVER! X'D
And your punishment shall be…death by Mongoose!
I would really, really love a remake of Halo: reach for pc
Watching #17 in 2017… life is great.
Geoff – If I don't laugh as much this episode, it's because i'm drinking
Jack – so uh, here's Daddyf4ts4k
Daddy fat sack, that banshee driver went ALLAH AKBAR!!!!!!!! ?