Rescue Skinny Dog Was Chained Starving Left to Die by Monster Woman | Heartbreaking
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It is extremely difficult, as rescuers, to see a photo like this & to accurately convey the dog’s story through the very strong emotions of anger, hatred, despair, sadness & helplessness.
We just became aware of Champ’s horrific story of cruelty this morning & immediately jumped in to help & try to save his life. As is obvious in this photo taken at the scene where he was seized last night, he is very near death & the end of the road.
His condition speaks for itself. He was starved and left to die tied out in Laurens, SC. He was in hell with no way to escape. Thank god a passerby spotted him last night & contacted Animal Control. Champ was rushed to a local vet last night. He is weak, gums very pale & he was covered in maggots, even in his mouth. He needs testing & diagnostics which he will get today.
His heartbreaking story is that he is the victim of a breakup. The boyfriend apparently left him at the ex-girlfriends house and since he “was not her dog” she fed her dogs, but not Champ!
How sickening is that?! And yes, charges have been filed.
Champ is only 16 months old & 50 pounds. The vet said this mastiff mix should weigh 110 pounds. We are so heartbroken for this poor dog, a victim of sick, sadistic, selfish, heartless & cruel humans. We hope karma will be swift!
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That b!tch shouldn’t ever be able to own another animal, including the dogs she has now!! No dog deserves to live with anyone this evil.
This is infuriating, that poor puppy!! Huge thank you to whoever called that worthless waste of skin in and got Champ saved.
music is too loud but I love the dog
Kocham was ludzie za takie oddanie dla zwierząt macie piękne serca Bóg z Wami
I hope that bitch dies a slow and painful death with how she left this dog to suffer. Humans are the worst.
Great rescue ! I just wish these monsters would die before they harm an animal like this poor dog.
No one:
Champ turns around:
Vets and Owner: GOOOOOD BOYYYY
If they know the cruel woman, who did this to the poor defenseless dog, they should inform the authorities so as to get her charged with extreme animal cruelty and be sentenced accordingly. She should not be allowed to own another animal for as long as she lived.
A big thank you to everyone who lovingly looked after Champs, restoring him to good health and my very best wishes to them all, including Champs.
Omg i love watching these videos because they make me feel happy
Cane Corso mix? He's beautiful
you lovely people.
Man those eyes. My pup has the same type of eyes, they are full of love and kindness, Champ is definitely a good doggy!
Why that lady tied him she would have left him freely if she dint want it why she did That to him Why???
DEUS abençoe você grandemente por ajudar os animais abandonados.
Why cant he eat dog food??
I can't believe that there are humans like this.. Why to keep them in such condition if you can't afford then please don't keep them
Any one that abuses animals, children and the elderly should not even be allowed to live!!! God bless Champ and good people like these that rescue and help!!!
I am so glad there still are some great people!
Did the women face charges?
don't these ignorant people realise they are going to have to answer to a higher being for treating His creation this way
Loser has no love for anything but themselves and will get what they deserve in the end.
I promised myself not to cry but then 0:25 happened
Thank you!??
Povero cucciolo….. Non c'è limite alla cattiveria "umana"…. Spero che la colpevole paghi per quello che ha fatto a questa creatura….
Not all heroes need capes or need to fly look at these amazing people thank you so much for all that you do
“”Animals are from God, BESTIALITY is HUMAN”
Track this woman down and all others who harm these poor defenseless creatures and give them horribly slow torturous death!!! They all need to be removed from this earth, prob wouldn’t be many humans left when it came down to it!
thanks god, there are still some nice people left in this world
What beatifull story !!!
Thank you for what you do, he is now well cared for and loved by his forever loving family
I am so happy for you Champ! God Bless those people with big hearts!
That women who chaine the dog to starve, deserve the same treatment.
pourquoi temps de haine envers les animaux ,le respect de la vie des animaux ils ne connaissent pas , déjà pour les êtres humain elle est bafoué , "je suis un fervent de la peine de mort "des gens qui laissent des animaux ou être humain mourir mérite la peine de mort pas de pitié à avoir ??????????????????????????
Я плачу спасибо таким хорошим людям какой хороший добрый красивый алабай здоровья вам и вашей семье и этим уродам которые довели до такого состояния такого красавчика им тоже здоровья я плачу и очень рада что есть на свете такие хорошие люди
That have been a tough call for me, to try and save or mercifully put down. Glad he made it.
Thank God he met up with kindness and love through you guys! A dogs ability to forgive is astounding….you would think he would hate man and fear us all. May the Good Lord bring to that woman ALL that she deserves and more.
The woman who tortured this dog deserves to rot in hell
Ugh! Please, please!! Either lower the volume on the music drastically or get rid of it! I could barely hear the man in blue scrubs talking. So frustrating!
only nice…..