people are just asking for trouble in bear country. always take bear spray! it'll save your life.
These men are SOOOOOOO STUPID SMH. Man im frm the hood tht bear would of been smoked.he would not have gotten within 20 feet.i would of lit his ass up.and i NEVER go hunting by myself
It's interesting how "Bear People" volunteer themselves to be "Bear Food." Very interesting indeed.
Awsome videos Great job
People can be very stupid!!!
I wish the bear would’ve finished him off.
Bike bear is fake
People who want bears and other things just for killing things should all be f**** sent to hell but first they should be raped by bears and anything they killed
9:10 coolest bear ever. He's just like "Sup? You see any fish here?"
I'm more terrified of bears than anything and yet they can almost always be scared off just by shouting and making yourself look big. But can you blame me? Bears are essentially 900 lb rottweilers
Well we should have compassion for anyone who gets attacked by these wild animals and instead if being angry at these victims we should be more angry at the foolish animal activists who defend these predators as the victims. Who cares if f they become extinct. We should be eating tiger, lion and beer burgers and cleaning up the world instead if eating the friendly cows, pigs, fish, goat and chickens etc which I also eat and now thinking about quitting eating meat until we can start serving up some Lions etc on the plate. When dinosaurs became extinct, we gained oil so when these predators become extinct, we can have a better world but we keep making up reasons why they are important for our eco system. I say we expand our industries and start selling stocks on Wall Street for bear burgers & steaks, fried crocodiles, tiger sliders, tiger CEO coats, lion Winter coats, Etc… We can finally create so many jobs and end the homeless crisis in America! Ken Ramnath Director Celine Int'l Wall Street, NYC
9:03 Bear sees his bud down below. Gives the "Sup man" head nod. 9:15 Gives the human the "chill dude we cool" look. Mr. Brown's just a chill fella.
It is incredible how we take our belief in ourselves as the dominant species for granted…..
Carry a #uc*g air horn guys % what is wrong with you-got bear spray,strobe light,cow prod- use your brain – prepare ??‼️
Who wouldn’t lock their door if near a wild animal ?⁉️
These videos is racist, I don't see any black person on here. Lmao
A person has gotta really be out of their mind! or just out right retardedly stupid as fukk! to go in the wilderness without a 500 magnum pistol and ammo on their side! in the wilderness with wild animals!Fukk that!
None of those adults had the common sense to pull that girl off the wall before she got pulled into the water? Idiots.
Very irresponsible parents let her daughter within vicinity of wild animal. Better be careful rather than playful.
I wish the bow and arrow idiots were killed.
Too silly to watch!
These are some real stupid people.
Some dogs are really brave. I guess bears don't know what to think of them and feel they're not worth the hassle of dealing with.
The two guys with the shark are idiot morons. They have no respect for those sharks not even one ounce of good bones in them. And I have no respect for them what so ever. I cannot stand for peoples like that. And they are ass butts. Assbutts… hahahahahahaha
Dat man was on the ball jumpin straight in for dat little girl wen the sea lion pulled her into the water good job fella well done
Keep wild animals don't play wild animals
The Grizzlie chasing the mountain biker is fake.
That last Bear.. just chillin', having a rest for himself. so beautiful, as Mama nature made Him. ??
It's a pity the hunter guy didn't get ripped to shreds!
Lmao that second one! The first noise he made I was like Oh he's trying to do a bear sound, then he started talking and I thought it was just his normal voice. Then the mf starts hollering like big foot I nearly died! ??? And so did he ??
The bear one was more scary for the bear then from him ( second one)
People so brave behind their weapons until the animal gives them a close up. If you go into their world and scare them, they deserve to scare you more….or just eat you!
Climb a tree hurry cuz Bears can't climb trees! Oh wait yes they can!
Let's see, why don't I ride my bike down this dirt road where bears live and see if I can get some of them to chase me!
I love The Great Outdoors I love our animal friends I just don't understand why people would go in the water knowing that sharks in there just to take pictures of them I don't understand why people go out into the woods looking for Bears just to try to pet them or kiss them or whatever
Can't blame the bear for protecting itself from hunters
people are just asking for trouble in bear country. always take bear spray! it'll save your life.
These men are SOOOOOOO STUPID SMH. Man im frm the hood tht bear would of been smoked.he would not have gotten within 20 feet.i would of lit his ass up.and i NEVER go hunting by myself
It's interesting how "Bear People" volunteer themselves to be "Bear Food." Very interesting indeed.
Awsome videos Great job
People can be very stupid!!!
I wish the bear would’ve finished him off.
Bike bear is fake
People who want bears and other things just for killing things should all be f**** sent to hell but first they should be raped by bears and anything they killed
9:10 coolest bear ever. He's just like "Sup? You see any fish here?"
I'm more terrified of bears than anything and yet they can almost always be scared off just by shouting and making yourself look big. But can you blame me? Bears are essentially 900 lb rottweilers
Well we should have compassion for anyone who gets attacked by these wild animals and instead if being angry at these victims we should be more angry at the foolish animal activists who defend these predators as the victims. Who cares if f they become extinct. We should be eating tiger, lion and beer burgers and cleaning up the world instead if eating the friendly cows, pigs, fish, goat and chickens etc which I also eat and now thinking about quitting eating meat until we can start serving up some Lions etc on the plate. When dinosaurs became extinct, we gained oil so when these predators become extinct, we can have a better world but we keep making up reasons why they are important for our eco system. I say we expand our industries and start selling stocks on Wall Street for bear burgers & steaks, fried crocodiles, tiger sliders, tiger CEO coats, lion Winter coats,
Etc… We can finally create so many jobs and end the homeless crisis in America!
Ken Ramnath
Celine Int'l
Wall Street, NYC
9:03 Bear sees his bud down below. Gives the "Sup man" head nod.
9:15 Gives the human the "chill dude we cool" look.
Mr. Brown's just a chill fella.
It is incredible how we take our belief in ourselves as the dominant species for granted…..
Carry a #uc*
g air horn guys %what is wrong with you-got bear spray,strobe light,cow prod- use your brain – prepare ??‼️Who wouldn’t lock their door if near a wild animal ?⁉️
These videos is racist, I don't see any black person on here. Lmao
A person has gotta really be out of their mind! or just out right retardedly stupid as fukk! to go in the wilderness without a 500 magnum pistol and ammo on their side! in the wilderness with wild animals!Fukk that!
None of those adults had the common sense to pull that girl off the wall before she got pulled into the water? Idiots.
Very irresponsible parents let her daughter within vicinity of wild animal. Better be careful rather than playful.
I wish the bow and arrow idiots were killed.
Too silly to watch!
These are some real stupid people.
Some dogs are really brave. I guess bears don't know what to think of them and feel they're not worth the hassle of dealing with.
The two guys with the shark are idiot morons.
They have no respect for those sharks not even one ounce of good bones in them. And I have no respect for them what so ever.
I cannot stand for peoples like that. And they are ass butts. Assbutts… hahahahahahaha
Dat man was on the ball jumpin straight in for dat little girl wen the sea lion pulled her into the water good job fella well done
Keep wild animals don't play wild animals
The Grizzlie chasing the mountain biker is fake.
That last Bear.. just chillin', having a rest for himself. so beautiful, as Mama nature made Him. ??
It's a pity the hunter guy didn't get ripped to shreds!
Lmao that second one! The first noise he made I was like Oh he's trying to do a bear sound, then he started talking and I thought it was just his normal voice. Then the mf starts hollering like big foot I nearly died! ??? And so did he ??
The bear one was more scary for the bear then from him ( second one)
People so brave behind their weapons until the animal gives them a close up. If you go into their world and scare them, they deserve to scare you more….or just eat you!
Climb a tree hurry cuz Bears can't climb trees! Oh wait yes they can!
Let's see, why don't I ride my bike down this dirt road where bears live and see if I can get some of them to chase me!
I love The Great Outdoors I love our animal friends I just don't understand why people would go in the water knowing that sharks in there just to take pictures of them I don't understand why people go out into the woods looking for Bears just to try to pet them or kiss them or whatever
Can't blame the bear for protecting itself from hunters
Anyone shooting off a baitpile should get mauled
9:00 he just wanted to hangout with that man
That guy didnt waste any time saving that little girl that was awesome
5:26 proven fake over and over
5:26 fake asf