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For the impatient, 5:00 is the beginning of the climb and therefore a good starting point. https://youtu.be/zlb8ic6ivcg?t=300
UPDATE: Oct 19th 2019
Bike recovery video at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6pJCZhkk6Zg
See my channel for additional videos on bringing the KTM back to life!
A mishap on the climb up Schofield Pass, near Crested Butte, Colorado on September 4th, 2019. Video is long but thought it best to leave nearly uncut. It shows the descent, anxiety at the bottom and then a partial climb. What follows is the off path madness and splashdown into the punchbowl. I was completely uninjured and climbed out within 15 minutes of the incident.
Some stills are included near the end.
There are so many friends, enthusiasts and visitors that helped in the minutes, hours and days that have followed the incident.
* Ryan Edwards and Matt Watson for providing on the scene help
* Mountain Moto Jam 2019 crew (Ryan, Matt, Evan, Barry, Bry, Don, Jim, Ty, Slade, Mark, Andy, Gabe, Todd, Scott, Dave)
* Scott and Melanie Davie for the Jeep ride out
* Seth from the G.O.A.T.S. https://www.gunnicbgoats.com
* Chris Cox and crew from Crystal Mountain Ranch for the sketchy, cold and wet recovery attempt and subsequent success. https://crystalmountainranch.com
* Dave Phillips for his extensive help with the bike once it was recovered
* Adventure Riders of Colorado FB group
Most importantly, thanks God for your protection….show me the path.
So what happened?
Riding a dirt bike across obstacles typically requires the rider to maintain momentum. As can be seen, I chose a riding line on the left as I thought it looked easier. I wasn’t going quick enough and the front tire got kicked to the left which caused my throttle hand to twist and … well .. you saw the rest.
How about the fall?
First I grabbed for anything to slow me down; check out the shadows. No, time didn’t stand still or slow down. I thought of my kids, called out to God and fell perfectly into the water. Once I surfaced, I thought I was going to drown but thankfully the edge was close by and I was able to gather myself, take a deep breath and patiently wait for help.
Think about how his gear is weighing him down in the water
Dang glad your good man that fall looked bad
Yet another reason I quit riding dirt bikes.
That water must be cold ?
You were very lucky, 30 years ago this month i fell off a 250ft cliff and broke my back and other body parts, i wasnt riding a motorbike though, just a unicycle
wow that went bad fast.
Ktm 300 for sale, senior owned ridden to and from church on sundays
Crested Butte or crusted butt
should have walked bike through that part – went from hero to zero !
The fall is at 5:24
So…. How's the water?
That sucks
I dont believe in coincidence. If you didnt believe in God before that, bet you do now. Unbelievable.
the water looks really nice
I wonder what the fish were thinking
No disrespect but I could tell from the beginning of that trail you didn't have the experience. Nevertheless, I'm glad you were okay….?
It's socially ok in today's world to say I am a pussy to go back up!
That is the most amateur riding I have ever seen , no wonder he went off the cliff. Learn how to ride!!!!!
You can tell he's too timed from the beginning. If you're going to do these kind of sports you have to have confidence and commit to your line.
Water looks clear.
This guy should either say of dirt bikes or start think before he does something
Holy crap dude!!!! Glad you made it virtually unscathed!! Had it not been for the river things could and would have been a lot worse!!! I'm born and raised in co and we do have some amazing places to scoot around but those same places can snatch your life from you in an instant Even for the most experienced of riders! Again glad your alive and ok!!?? Great footage too
That's one way to get to the bottom of the hill faster! Glad you are okay – cant imagine what that experience was like!!!!
I think landing in the water was the best thing that happened. You are super lucky to walk out of that. Glad your ok!
Wow.. He was watching over you
WOW! I'm happy you made it out of that alive! Lesson learned, stay the HELL! away from the cliff sides!
CRASH @ 5:25
You deserve everything you get
Almost dies falling off cliff… God is great!
Rider has made a full recovery, but has decided to take up knitting instead of dirt riding
That poor ktm.
Wow…luckily you weren't closer to the waterfall…that would've ended up really bad. How far of a drop would you say it was?…JeeZUS, made my stomach hurt watching that.
No one cares about the Video rights scrolling across the bottom of the screen or wants to see them while watching the video!
What a beautiful spot to die and go to heaven
Never ride motorcycles near any ledges. Motorcycles just don't Now, I would be satisfied just to hike these trails.
WTF? I can ride and I might wear shoes for that section or hug the wall. I guarantee when he said stay right your brain said look left when it gets narrow. Ur eyes go where the body goes, stay off those death drops not worth it.
Never ride solo.
That place/ride flat out sucks. It’s not even the slightest, enjoyable. Shit, for brains. Ride.
Nice fancy gear. Cool bike. Doesn't make you a good rider. I See this alot Overseas too.
Having the money fer red bull gear don't make you a red bull rider.
Awesome! You survived, and had clean clothes.
5:24 Is what you're after 🙂
Wow! Just found this…You have guardian angels buddy! Thats a fact! The Mighty Hand of God for sure.
What injuries did you sustain in the fall and what about your bike? So glad you are alive.
That road is crazy and to think cars use it to a certain distance ? . Don't feel bad mate it's those what seem simple that will always get someone just a fork bounce a little too far and boom hope all is well with you and your bike is it still a usable machine. A photo of it would be excellent.???✊✊✊?
I am glad that you made it out of that situation unscathed. It could've been much worse than that.
Next time be careful please.
Holy crap dude! I am glad you survived this fall. I am glad everybody pulled through to help you out with everything.