A response to Mark Smith’s claim I was in the wrong spot..
Part 1… https://youtu.be/AXpxao_lEEQ
Rather than accept he was wrong Mark has chosen to decieve his subscribers, and has blocked me from commenting on his channel.
#Paranormal-X #PXTV
797 Gs paranormal v E.T.A paranormal 781 sub's. both up from yesterday. First to 1000 wins
Well done. You debunked for sure.
Great debunk
Oh pmsl nice one
not only that, he goes into 39 de grey street and makes things ten times worse, we not dealing with no regular ghost now, especially after that performance from mark
We know Mark is full of shit ?
Great debunking mate ?
The man is a total fraud just like his mate Andrew!! I called Smith out after his numerous pity parties begging for money!! Look at the same location when he claims he was pulled backwards, his own video proved no such thing happened. Turd of an excuse for a man!!
Well done ?
Well done mate
Thank you so much for posting this! Mark should be ashamed for lying to everyone. Clearly shows that he is just using his channel for his ego as opposed to capturing proof of the paranormal. What an asshole
I didn’t see this one till just the noo