Why koalas rescued from bushfires CAN’T be released back into the wild – as blazes kill 480million animals in one state alone
More than 3million hectares of New South Wales has burnt in recent months
Ecology professor Chris Dickman estimates 480million animals had been killed
He feared they were ‘functionally extinct’ in parts of NSW destroyed by fire
Worst fires in recent memory estimated to have killed more than 2,000 koalas
Oh my god 480million animals im gonna cry ?
???? I love animals. Plz pray for Australia ?????????????? ??
If people are still dumb and selfish to help each other out, then just let the people burn the world so that ignorant, arrogant, and selfish humans will die out, I mean we deserve it but not the animals.
Human created fires yet it's the innocent animals that is suffering.
From Serbia pray for Australiaa❤❤
Allha ji maf kero
ohhh god plzz help plzzzzz ??????????????????
Pray for Australia ??
Now this time not to pray
World have to take strong decision ?
О Аллах помоги им ?❤️?
Allahım sen Avustralya'ya yardım et :'(
Pray for Avustralya….
I hoop soooo Mach that the fire going away pray for Australia
So sad bahut hi bura din bechare janwar
wow so much roasted meat yummy
Please pray for Australia
Where is rain when we need it most
Alhamdulillah negara Australia dilimpahi hujan ☔
Yazig heyvanlar ????Allah ozu komek etsin
Pray australia
Waheguru mehar KR Australia people nd animals tah … ??
??? please god save them!
Ya Allah plz Australia py raham kr plz