I put together this compilation. I may have takes videos from other near death compilations, but they didn’t have these exact videos all at once on the same channel.
The song is from spongebob
Instagram – Triendium
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2:12 so we gon act like we didn't just see a dude post up with a damn elephant?
Make a video with I'm having a good time song
I'm here so the world can wake me up from reality
“Come on bro I shot him in the head he should’ve died that’s bullshit”
I’m at school rn and I just went on yt studio and it already has 500 views ?
You guys are AMAZING
Was it air soft? Or actual guns? Idk it looks like both
Are we gonna ignore the fact a dude got shot in the head at 1:04
underrated video
Read the description for details if you want ?♂️