Cats are not only so funny you will die laughing but he can protect us from attacking by dangerous animal.
This is show how the pet, cat can fight with the cobra and other snake with super high skill. Brave Cat vs King Cobra in real fight.
Best Animal attack compilation ever
This is nota a king cobra..man..
Funny how match ups work in real nature. As a human I am super scared of snakes, especially such as a king cobra, meanwhile the cute little cats we human choose as pets can kill them.
If this was a black mamba python etc those cats are easily dead
I love watching cat's take it to snake's
Cat: Omae wa mo shinderdo
Snake: Nan…
Cat: Grabs Snake
Snake: I will snacc on cat
slaps snakes head
It's more like enter the dragon animal edition
There the new Bruce lee ?
1:58 that cat is very useful
Cats vs Snakes Who will win
GI Joe vs Cobra
6:11 Dog: Let me at him!
Cat: I got Dis…
2:37 LOL
that's some bruce lee moves right there 1:30
11:24 that cat has seen some tight shit. Two tours Vietnam, Dessert Storm, purple hearth.. freaking Rambo cat. On the other side: Snake Plissken – call me Snaaääke!
Do you know what???
Cats are actually more powerful than crocodile if the cat hit in the crocodiles eye then the crocodile just run away????
Snake appears
Cat …
Snake Attacks
Cat i finnaly found the perfect opponent to kill with my claws
Snake nAnI
Cat Super Attacks
Snake dies
He die now
I love the baby kitten
Well, some other snakes had a bite from those cats, the next time the owner sees his cat it's dead. Wel at least the cats had a serious HEAD SHOTS on those snakes, giving them a severe head hurt.
2:32 Dang that cat is going off
I got 12 cats that eat snakes for breakfast its worth it to keep many cats when snakes come in
I think That's why people have kept cats in thei4 houses. It attacks any snake or dangerous insects like snake and spiders that come to their houses
4:00 sit yo ass down ?
Me watching this video and wishing I had the reflexes of a cat
In communist China cat kills u
Music, sound effects. Not needed. You're an idiot. Thumbs down. Next
The fuckin sound effects got me rollin ?????????
2:17 are the cat and snake a paid actor?
Are those owner try to get their cat killed
one snake bite can easy kill a full gown cat
I'm a dog owner, but cats are very impressive
Film jackie chan ?
8:22 even Garfield joined in on the action!
Did the orange cat bitten.or dead?
super scared cat with a snake
Ang galing ng pusa
Noo a orenga cat die i wihs hes not died this idoits human doncare if a cat die but he get surbibe but hes not helping cat juhs videi
Snake will never win because he needs to bite the cat 14 times before it can be officially dead
So funny, is that what you expect us to say ? Instead of worrying for the poor animals you decide to make a compilation of owners who show their so called "love" for their pet. Shame on you.
Chinese eat cats so…
4:47 pretty sure that cat killed him.
Nobody :
Snake : The fuck is this dude lookin at
Cats have lightning fast hands
High Felix quality: kill small snakes and big snakes with a crowbar… not so juicy??
Relax hoomans, that's just your headset cable
Cats vs Snakes exists
* Peace was never an option *