CUTEST puppies EVER! Extended vlog! http://youtu.be/3iupxnxKJI0
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Theme song produced by Robbie Jay
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The are adorable and gorgeous
Nice dogs 🙂
@acdcfandl32 they probably think they are not the CUTEST, which they r. I have 4 rotties at home and they r sweet and loving but people r afraid of them. If they dislike puppies, I WILL KILL THEM I THEIR SLEEP!!!
Who dislikes puppies is right
@ZeroThreeSixteen I almost was bit by a Rott too except it was my fault. I was clipping her nails and I got to close to the quick and she was letting me know in her own way. Luckily I moved my arm in time that her teeth just left a bruise on my arm rather than an actual bite. :/
hey scott. im curious, how old are you?
So much cuteness! head.. cant.. cope.. must..watch.. zombie movie.. fast..
Who dislikes puppies? 3 people have hearts smaller than the grinch's.
@SCOTTaMINUTE Thank you, i believe i did heal well..lol. And im not blaming the breed, i'm just a lil paranoid when im around big dogs in general. I do the nervous laugh-its-so-cute thing. muhaha
they are so cute Scott! Thanks for showing them to us!
sooooo cute
so freaking cute
awwww, so CUTE!
scott i want oneeee 🙁
Docking is banned in UK.. is it not in US? Sweet pups 🙂
@ZeroThreeSixteen Rottweilers are VERY smart and sweet, but also very protective. I wouldn't blame the entire (or every) breed over one incident. I hope you healed well. <3
i was bitten by a rottweiler and had to get 7 stitches when i was in the 2nd grade. I'm still traumatized! .. and it was my Uncles dog! It died 2 weeks later… i think i gave it a disease lol.
I would never leave that room.
@SignalsOverTheAir For most breeds, 17-20 lbs. at 7-weeks old would be HUGE…but for Rottweilers, it's normal. After all, this breed typically weighs 90-130 lbs. (40-58 kg) as an adult! 🙂
@SignalsOverTheAir rotties r known for being mac trucks even @ that young age..u see their parents. thats whats 2 look forward 2
Puppy Overload. Why are the puppies so big, aren't puppies suppose to be small?
@crazymay1000 You'll have to watch the extended vlog to find out. 😉
@crazymay1000 You'll have to watch the extended vlog to find out. 😉