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0:53, "Afk in Base is Unstoppable"
Im stupid
Shadow fiends tend to ult for no apparent reason. I played pa and I randomly decided to blink to an enemy creepwave. Apparently sf was ulting out of shadow blade next to it for no reason because I blinked and was gone.
Average plays of the week? I can send you the entirety of my replays.
I watched this
1:38 – "Yeah!! Axe Kills you!
Please do most average plays of the week
"XD" Thats how you'll know its a funny clip hahaha
Who would dare to skip the intro?? hahaha.. its the best part of the video hahaha
Admittedly, I am a DotA2 noob, but I cannot understand what is happening at the beginning of the clip at 1:39. QoP gets an ult off on a group of enemies. What was noteworthy about that? What was (according to BB) report-worthy about that?
"Uno mas" Slacks XD
i miss u Reaves
Did anyone else notice at 6:12 the tree timbersaw was (I hope) trying to chain to got cut by PL? Or was that a replay bug?
fun clips, horrid commentary
anyone else see the PL chop down and deny timbers also chain twice? Big plays PL more so than fail timbersaw imo
dota 2=dead
What happened to Reaves?
I'm stupid 😛
Most average plays of the week, sure.
when even the commenters get bored of their shit…
I think at 6:13 the PL actually quelling bladed the tree.
sir action slacks is that his name?guy is so fucking funny HAHA seriously I probably woudnt watch this, maybe I would. Actually on third thought, i'd just… uh… don't pressure me! sorry I have typing tourettes. That's a lie. I'm a liar. I don't really watch this show. how did I know the guys name you ask? cause I have phych powers. No. That's not true either. But do you know what it is? Somewhat entertaining. Usually when I see a long comment, I don't finish it. Thumbs up if you finished reading this comment. Watch me get no thumbs up. Free blowjob for whoever gives this comment a big old thumbs up. just post ur address. As long as you're ok with me coming at night. I can't be around light.
Why does one of the commentator talks like he is inside a storage room of a warehouse?
Love you guys….i'm craying every time
hahaha, those bounty hunter fails
No wonder watafaka is overtaking dc…
I'm dumber then the dumbest people posting how dumb they truly are
this clip makes me want to build manta on axe
Support buys courier. MOST AVERAGE PLAY OF THE WEEK!
i am 80% sure i am in one of these vids
Hi sunsfan see my epic fail 2477994326 at 27:20 tnx 😀
i am stupid
SirActionSlacks cracks me up – He makes me ExDee.
ROFL loved this video, hilarious
Avg plays of the week pls