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I'm not a dota pro but that fail with cm and lion i've seen that before. Some says that Cm have a small radius from where she stands that is not being hit by freezing field. so if CM is too close to her target it won't affect her target. I have experienced that in dota 1 though not sure if it applies to dota 2.
what is RNG?
If someone still wanders what was lion's russian nickname so here it is – Pikachurka
lion is zuero lol
lmao the stuck Lone Druid "Vincent" is actually me, like for reel.
…and nerfs your favoirte hero.
at 5:00
lol the rocket XD
Just got hacked in dota T-T whyyyyyyyyy
I replayed his cough ten times
Creeps really like to ks:/
Если я наберу 100 лайков,то я съем свое говно
I was clicking NEXT VID repeatedly and it sounded like
This video broke the sequence.
после просмотра захотелось за сатира погонять))))
That rocket…
RNG…. Intro to casino gaming…
Void needs to be puffed? Really?!
best Start 🙂
could you pls make a video on how to send you guys fails pls? it will be really helpfull
Could you guys please fix the DOTA fails playlist? It's backwards.
beautiful tp, beautiful be arrow, beautiful face aghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
dota 2 fails of the every 2 or 3 weeks
hi i have a video that may come to the best moments of the week
这德鲁伊 拙计
fuck of Russian feeders! leave Ukraine alone they dont want to have the same match making as you
1:04 Plot Twist: The bear was fed up with Lone Druid's shit. "Tank your own creeps! fuck Syllabear!"
1:30 You came to wrong neighborhood motherf**ker. Seriously, coulda blinked anywhere else…
1:56 Defend tower now cyka team. Noops.
2:36 If you look closely you'll see a rave in the trees where NS died.
3:15 Well you see, Reeves, those particular Satyrs have KS sensing abilities. Much like Russian Zues players.
3:43 Secret BKB active. Also, glinch? lel
4:13 Trippy Mushroom! 😀
4:38 Void ain't the only with a bash, f*ker!
5:02 Better than spacecow charge. The towers tried their best. PRO TIP: NP should get SB.
that satyr is so amazing
WTF lion
Sunsfan doesn't sound that bad while ill
why you dont use my moment? i add this a week ago. It is more funny then it.. when am ultimate in courier.. why?(( add this please
What does rng mean?
that void better quit dota and consult a doctor..too much stupidity
Lions name is said: "Pikachurka" I'm Russian. And that is very racist btw, I mean the name, yea
2 рокеиы сразу
how can u vacuum creeps and heroes.. i thought it was fixed a time ago
pls answer somebody 🙁