Ghost Caught on Thermal Camera | Trying to Communicate | Real Paranormal Activity Part 45.1

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Spirit Box session leads to more than spirit Voices.

After the amount of activity I have caught in the spare room lately I decided to attempt a P-SB7 Spirit Box session but found that by running the device, I caught more than just the occasional voice.

Real Paranormal Activity Caught on Video

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My Channel
I have been haunted since late 2010. My channel is a dedicated paranormal video diary dedicated to the unusual supernatural events that have occurred to me since that time. Paranormal Activity has become almost an everyday occurrence for me since this began and with it my interest in ghosts, demons and poltergeist activity had grown. I have invested in ghost hunted equipment to help my investigations leading to some extremely profound paranormal footage.


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About the Author: MichaelDMagee


  1. There​ are​ ghost​s​ visiting me​ ​everynight​ and​ they​ touch my​ parts of​ the​ body​ I​ get​ used​ to​ it.​So​ if​ I​ could get a​ ghost​ detector​ here​ I​'ll be​ able to communicate​ with or​ deliver them.​ I​ captured naga​ dragon​ spirits​ once in​ the​ river.​

  2. When we go to an unfamiliar place and feel uncomfortable, recite this protection mantra from Tibet 108 times: OM BENZA WIKI BITANA SOHA. You can learn more from here: bit((dot))ly/DSretreat

  3. so i didnt watched the whole video jet im just at the beginning but i dont think you can see ghosts with a thermal camera because they cant be warm they are cold i think

  4. Sounded like he was either breathing really heavy, or he was speaking very quietly. I spirit I mean. I realize my comment is over a year late, but that's my take on it

  5. when a ghost/spirit/poltergeist is around etc…. it's been hammered into me that the surroundings get cold to freezing, yet not once does the thermal camera change colour anywhere near you or especially when the supposed ghost makes the lights flash. Just using basic, human, commonly taught logic dictates the thermal camera would pick up a descent drop in temperature where you're purporting that these events are occurring! I see nothing here but bad acting.

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