Paknam Krabi Seafood (ปากน้ำกระบี่ซีฟู๊ด) is a Halal Thai seafood restaurant in Krabi, Thailand. Read all the details about this restaurant here: http://www.eatingthaifood.com/2015/06/paknam-krabi-seafood-halal-restaurant/
Located in the quiet area of southern Krabi town, Paknam Krabi Seafood (ปากน้ำกระบี่ซีฟู๊ด) is a Halal seafood restaurant that serves a delicious selection of fresh seafood dishes – most of the menu is made up of southern Thai dishes. When Ying and I went, it was a special occasion, and we were both really hungry.
We started off with one of my ultimate favorite southern Thai dishes, goong pad phet sataw (กุ้งผัดเผ็ดสะตอ), shrimp stir fried with curry paste and stink beans. What I loved about the version here was that it was nice and flavorful from the curry paste, and they also added in some coconut cream to make it even more rich and creamy. The shrimp were big and meaty and fresh, and the stink beans were just slightly stir fried so they were crisp, and retained all their flavor.
Another dish I can’t get enough of in the south of Thailand is gaeng som aw dip (แกงส้มออดิบ), one of my favorite dishes. This gaeng som, a sour spicy curry soup, included fish and aw dip, which in Thai are taro stems. It was very good, nice and spicy, and flavorful from the fish and turmeric. Pad pak liang pad kai (ผัดผักเหลียงไข่) is in English melinjo leaves, and in this dish they are stir fried with egg. It’s one of my favorite vegetable dishes. This version was alright, but not incredible. I think it could have been stir fried on a bit of a higher heat so it would have more of a smoky and dry flavor.
Finally, for our final mega dish, Ying and I ordered the Yam kai meng da (ยำไข่แมงดา), a fresh horseshoe crab, mixed with strands of green mango, shallots, chilies, and herbs, and dressed in lime juice and fish sauce. It was delicious, very refreshing. The little eggs were like little yolks.
Paknam Krabi Seafood (ปากน้ำกระบี่ซีฟู๊ด) is a good restaurant in Krabi town, Thailand, and they serve strictly Halal Thai food. It’s also a nice location, a good place to sit and enjoy the evening.
Read the full review here: http://www.eatingthaifood.com/2015/06/paknam-krabi-seafood-halal-restaurant/
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This Thai food video was made by Mark Wiens and Ying Wiens. Check out our blogs:
Migrationology.com (food and travel): http://migrationology.com/
EatingThaiFood.com (Thai food): http://eatingthaifood.com/
TravelByYing.com (Thai travel): http://travelbyying.com/
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Ever video that before to click to watch i already know is gonna be that reaction same as other videos
I tried southern thai food mild dude those peppers ….just killed me there just full of pain lol
Judging on his tilt level he rated this roughly a 7.5 lol out of 10
Have you EVER met a food you didn't like??.. You do the happy face with the most gross food so we'd LOVE to know!!
Great video Mark!?
Mark don't gain weight, his mouth just gets bigger. You gotta love him.
Hi Mark,you are a very tasty thread .
Love your face food. It’s you❤️??
Thailand is awesome
the great food eye look is back.
the southern thai food looked great
Same face same face same face… ?????
Going next week to Krabi hope to have horse shoe crab
Mark have you done a Korean marinated crab video??
Enjoy all your videos
I wish you would show more of Ying. I wish she had a channel about all of her adventures with you.
The food in these videos is disgusting. It looks like water with fish floating in it. It looks as appetising as dirty dish water. Yuukkk.
Just luv u all ur videos.. keep up the amazing work that u do & so nice to see u take ur family with you !! Buddha bless ????
Bruh, you have the same reaction for everything lol, everything can’t be that good. It’s ok to give honest feed back
Mark, you look exhausted.
well want to go krabi one day for food hunting.thanks mark for showing this amazing halal restaurant.
Mark. I. Like. Yr. talking. Patient.
We call it melinjo leaf too here in Indonesia 🙂
WARNING!!! All 4 horseshoe crabs species are facing extreme decline.
There is a conference in Bangkok on the 25-27 August on the huge decline in Asian horseshoe crab.
And here's an extract of an article research in Singapore about horseshoe:
All 4 species of horseshoe crab are classified as
either near threatened or data deficient (IUCN 2010).
Habitats throughout Asia are diminishing, and evidence
from studies and local fishermen suggests that
all species, once commonly found, are in decline.
They have no meat and they only kill the female crabs who has the eggs. This is the only species that survived for 445 million years and now human just want to destroy in this generation?? BRING BACK THE DODO BIRDS TO GRILL THEN!
I love this?????
omg Mr.Mark you just a chili man