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Hello, I am Whiteboy7thst a future Call of Duty Advanced Warfare Commentator. I post all types of call of duty games including, COD4, CODWAW, COD MW2, COD BO1, COD MW3, COD BO2, COD GHOSTS and COD AW. Basically if you like call of duty gameplay, Im your number one source for anything from Call of Duty Black Ops to Call of Duty Advanced Warfare. I like Call of Duty Multiplayer gameplay the best. Thanks for clicking on this video! Have a good day! SUBSCRIBE! ► http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=whiteboy7thst
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Whiteboy7thst is a Call of Duty Multiplayer Gameplay commentator, my specialty is COD! I l love Call of duty
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nice vid whiteboy
that has happened to you on out post.
I was bonus 🙂
i was playing search and destroy and i was the last dude finding the other last dude on the other team. i find him camping, looking away from me and the millisecond i was about to shoot him, i lagged and teleported back and weird shit happened. so he killed me….
Ive gotten like 3 hit markers with a knife
ive been killed by my own moab about 7 times now playing infected
dahmm first knive you even saw blood …thats fucked up whahahah
do u still play mw3
The first one was funny
bonus clip happened to me like 10 times
yeah that shit is annoying
wheres the tuba? at 1:00? Br brr boo nrrrrm
number 1 happened to me like 20times
1:13 Whiteboy135 has been promoted LOL 😀
Your intro sounds different.
i have a video on the ps3 that whwn i got a moab online someone killed me and i got kiiled by it i was piss message me if you want the video
U da beast
whiteboy u awsome
1:02 i hate when that happens
i got moabed by my very first moab and it was mine
lol getting killed by your own moab happens quit often in infected
no its just that u suck
notice how in this for a killstreak reward he gets a juggernaught and in the care pakage he gets another juggernaught
add me at darraguy123 on ps3
The knife thing happens to me SO MUCH. I lunge at him with my knife and somehow miss and he kills me. Happens at least once every 5 games.
Ur awesome but ur voice is annoying
it says whiteboy315 actually
Pause at 1:14 …. WhiteBoy7thst
You only hit puberty last night?
he was killed by his own moab because, in infected, when you die, you change team.
once i was playing infected and i had to knife people twice to kill them but i was knifed once
Wanna hear a fail x3? My moms tubes were tied, my dad used a condom, and the abortion failed, so here I am…
you say ladies and gentlemen, are there any ladies? please like LOL
in the number 1 fail in the bottom left corner it says white boy was promoted.
I've been killed be my own m.o.a.b 🙂
are you ever going to make a top 3 or 5 best game winning kils just curios thank you if you awnser me back
happens to me all the time … argh.
Happened to me