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Slardar ult grants vision
you kids dont play enough support… that was a dazzle ult on the morphman. maybe if theres both it only shows the latter placed?
The armor break on morph was amp dmg, u cud see the cloud over him as well. Slardar's work, not Dazzle's. Period
make videos for ability draft mode !!
it will be more funny
on the morphling clip, they had slardar ult on him
He had Slardar ult o him.
ok, dunno if anyone already noticed it, but the joke with the Prophet at around 0:50 is – at least to me – that they have a Timbersaw, who could cut out all the fkin trees… but he just totally doesn't.
they could see morphling at 2:38 because of the debuff he has from dazzle. You can see the broken shield over his head, giving sight to the enemy team
THe reason they could see morphling is because slardar used ullti on him which gives slardar true sight of morph
You can see the Morphling in the tree because of the true sight granted by Slardars ultimate.
void 2x ulti wtf???
they could see morphling because he had amplify damage, which (as you know) gives true sight of the hero casted upon
they can see him because of sladar's ulti on him
What's RNG? please tell me
But HyHy told me to stay in the trees! D:
noob rubick
,Badass sniper" you mean badass RNG the sniper had.
Looks like that Doom and Ogre were playing tetherball with each other
damn half of the comment section is full of ppl who cant identify the difference between slardar and dazzle's ult.
makes me sick.
the first fail is a fail of a fail that dont be a fail ….duh noobs
Illusions everywhere 😀
на 4:40 так смонтировали или действительно это такой "сет"?
2:40 they can see him becouse of Sladar ulti
Pretty obvious the sb set was for aprilfools, but i wish it wasnt lol… i never bought a set before, but i would for sure buy that sb one lol… just that wow factor, to stand out lol.
I don't get it the sb self was April fools but I've seen people with the arcana, how??
Can someone please explain to me how Pudge can chase Mirana at around 4:05 (walk past his illusions), but gets blocked by them on the way out when they haven't moved at all?
английское видео ни одного английского коммента)
WTF with spiritbreaker???
Songbird isnt from bioshock… It could also mean songbird from stairway to heaven (the song) or the fuckin bird itself…
BTW dotacinema, @ 2:36 people targeted with slardar ult are visible anywhere on the map
Its not rng on the witch doctor sunsfan…
Надо определенно русский аналогичный проект…
For the Pissed-Off Sport Guy the Morphling has armor break so can see right?
jajaja soy re pro
So the spirit breaker haz become a brony.thats a shame