Mark Pitstick, MA, DC is an author, counselor with a master’s degree in clinical psychology, holistic chiropractic physician, frequent media guest, and workshop/webinar teacher. He attended theology school, majoring in pastoral counseling, and trained in suicide prevention. Mark directs The SoulPhone Foundation, founded Greater Reality Living groups, and is a research assistant for the SoulPhone Project. His mission is to help you know and show that – no matter what is happening to you or around you – your earthly experience is a totally safe, meaningful, and magnificent adventure amidst forever. To learn more, visit SoulProof.com, SoulPhone.org, and GreaterRealityLiving.com
Do you have an exploring death story you’d like to share with Lisa? Please leave a comment on the podcast or contact Lisa at Lisa@ExploringDeath.com
Lisa Jones Millionaire Medium – The author of Art of Living Happy After the Loss of A Loved One and psychic to the stars.
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