Puppy In Extreme Malnutrition, Severe Skin Problems Gets Rescued

Puppy In Extreme Malnutrition, Severe Skin Problems Gets Rescued
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★★★ Most Emotional Rescues ★★★

1 – Rescue Poor Puppy Covered by Thousand of Ticks And In Severely Malnourished,

2 – Rescued Street Dog – Unbelievable Transformation

3 – Exhausted Girl Was Rescued From Under A Bridge

4 – Rescue A Poor Dog With Big Tumor On Her Body

5 – Poor Dog Covered By Thousand of Ticks Needs Your Help

6 – Rescue Poor Dog Left Lying In A Plastic Bag

Courtesy: defensores animalespty #dogrescue
You can donate to help them create a safer world for animals.

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All images belong to its respectful owners
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About the Author: DogRescue


  1. God bless all the people that go out and find gods animals that are in need of help so that these animals can have live with out suffering Thank u for stopping the animals suffering the world needs more people that care so much

  2. Mamma mia .. proprio un altro cane! Gli avete dato la possibilità di vivere e la dignità..Che ne sarebbe stato di questa creatura senza di voi?? Sarebbe morto solo e di fame..Vi amo?

  3. В какой стране такие истощенные собачки, почему никто не покормит??? У нас во дворе дворовые собачки упитанные, довольные жизнью.

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