Rescue Homeless Dog Was Punctured Two Eyes & Amazing Training
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Meet Riley this sweet baby was literally just rescued and is getting treated as you read this. His temp is extremely low and he is covered in deep infected wounds. Also, his body weight is extremely low and he is dehydrated.
Riley is resting comfortably. He has been given antibiotics, pain meds, fluids and everything else he needs to be comfortable with the main ingredient LOVE. Riley is in good spirits this morning and getting some water and love. He is able to nibble on food a little which we are so happy about!! He just took a ride in his wagon and is now enjoying some fresh air and sunshine.
Riley! This very strong and determined boy stood up and even took a few steps today.
He’s getting stronger. We are so proud of him. His inner strength is shining, he is such an inspiration. We know he’ll run and play one day. We’ll keep the updates coming. Riley didn’t just take a few steps today, he went for a WALK!
We are all crying! He’s amazing!
Thank you for praying for him.
Ever since Riley found the strength to walk, he’s been ON THE MOVE!
We took him to the yard for some loving and there were so many good things to smell. He continues to get stronger every day on his healing journey, and he’s sweet as can be!
Courtesy: Stray Rescue of St. Louis
Please donate: https://strayrescue.charityproud.org/Donate/Index/4234
If there are any Copyright Issues with any videos posted here i will Remove them. Please contact my Email : bigro108@gmail.com
All images belong to its respectful owner, No copyright infringement is intended
Thanks Angel !!!
So sad and they are usually the sweetest Dogs……..
The most beautiful we have are the animals and the childrens.
The transformation from the 1st day (at deaths door) to the last day in video (happy, loved dog) is what EVERY dog should be given, the chance to be a LOVED family member.
These amazing transformations warm the heart ❤️
Gracias por ayudarlo ????????
Riley you’re an amazing boy happy to see you get better life??? thanks to vet and rescuers ❤️❤️❤️
I wish he was closer I would have loved to adopt him
Uma vida resgatada e salva não tem preço.parabens aos que cuidaram resgataram .
Uma vida resgatada e salva não tem preço.parabens aos que cuidaram resgataram e amaram.
what a beautiful face he is a very sweet lovable soul
Riley appears to have made a Good Buddy during this Process. I am Hoping that They Will Be Siblings!!! Glad to See Riley Feeling Alive and Very Well!!!!???
Riley is so handsome, thank you for helping him heal, so much care and love has clearly transformed this sweet boy!!
They're honest people better than shit hole people showen off dogs cats suffering not doing anything
Poor dog who ever did wish this comes to them to their familly falling apart ??
Poor poor baby but now is saved
Riley,was für ein Kämpfer und dank allen,die ihn zu dem gemacht haben. Er gibt es euch zurück ???❣️❤️
If only people could be loving and compassionate as these dogs. There love and loyalty is amazing. And unconditional. But we know that will never be, because people harbor to much hatred. Where one race think they are superior and better than the next. And they are delusional if they believe that crap. People.will never come together because Satan's children have divided this country and all they spread is hate. There will never be love among enemies. Hate will continue to rule the world as long as you have demonic reprobate compulsive liar's and killers running this country
Because greed, division , manipulation and hate is one of the reasons this world is like it is, because Esau the chosen seeds of Satan are just like him and willing to do his dirty. They are the creator chaos, lawlessness and hate. They can't help themselves because they are taught to hate. That'd why I say a animals love is genuine. And most humans are not, because they are not genuine in there hearts ❤️. Where you will find , jealousy and hate. Because many don't want to see another's success or accomplishments.
This channel steals videos from other dog rescue/hospital channels.
شكرا ❤ ❤
Look at that face and eyes!!!
How in the name of humanity could anyone treat an obviously loving pup like this?
Thank y'all for saving him!!!