Happy Animals!

Happy Animals!
Spread The Viralist

This video is undeniable evidence that animals want to live and are as innocent as children. Stand up for them. Join the Animal Rights Movement and support your local animal rescue!

To support my work (THANK YOU!)

Animal-Friendly Recipes

“My Top 20 Videos!”

I’ve been Vegan for 9 years and my primary specialty is explaining speciesism to the public and encouraging them to go Vegan and join the Animal Rights Movement!

My other work includes:
– creating motivating videos
– making vegan music
– organizing protests
– organizing outreach events
– writing speeches
– training activists

I’ve been volunteering part-time for 5 years and would love to do it full-time! 40 awesome people are already donating to me every month which is 1/4 of my goal!

Support my Activism!


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About the Author: Chase Avior


  1. I've been Vegan for 9 years and my primary specialty is explaining speciesism to the public and encouraging them to go Vegan and join the Animal Rights Movement!

    My other work includes:
    – creating motivating videos
    – making vegan music
    – organizing protests
    – organizing outreach events
    – writing speeches
    – training activists

    I've been volunteering part-time for 4 years and would love to do it full-time! I already have a growing base of supporters and just a few dollars per month from multiple people goes a long way! I now have 40 people donating to me every month which is 1/4 of my goal!

    Support my Activism!

  2. I came from the Humane way of killing animals . I had enough , i just need to watch this video to give me hope that Humaity can still change and save the enviroment.

  3. Really before I clicked while I was watching the cruelty video I was expecting a horse to kick the cruel mans face and lions attacking the cruel people

  4. How adorable too bad I had to eat his kind I am I wish it would have been a different way but now I don't see any other way I really wish you didn't have to come to this I wish the animals could have been spared could have found another way to eat meat without the bloodshed I don't think my kind can actually can do it

  5. can not give a thumb up… because some parts of the video show animal exploitation (cows running in meadows: in fact they are 'crazy' because they came out after being inside their stall during the whole winter (it is in Germany or Austria); pig coping with 'jigsaw' (trained in Germany): they are used for advertising; pig at 18:58 is entertainment;…) … sad coming from you…

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