Don’t forget to submit your Top Fail of the Week! http://dft.ba/-topfails
Don’t forget to submit your Top Fail of the Week! http://dft.ba/-topfails
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Noobs. What happen to flux? Is he drunk?
so fucking annoying
lol, u want laugh ? go spectate some 1200 psr games x)
Dammiy Baumi I love your accent
Could someone plz tell me the mane of the song in the background? Plz its stuck in my brain!! xD
well 😀 i know but this was a bit bad for people at 1600 tho
The Babyoil' play was so bad I literally LOL'd for like 5 minutes
BAUMII whats the name of the 1st song?
Episode g haha
Baumi & Somasz Spec Ops of HoN =))
Flux u shouldn't play hon again
name of the song?
omg that flux
Where is your video when u take pebbles !!!and u blink to kill payro and he ….. kill u loooooooool
ur internet sucks ?
baumi, go study! :p
Where's mine I submits a panda Where's is it 😮
We want top plaaaays 🙁
I am _jd5698_ and I am 1500 mmr range and it just happens
Im "HarryBolsac"/NubbspiK which is my main. Harrybolsac is a random sub which im playing on and its 1600. It happens in higher games too 😛
heres something amazing, those names are names of senders not actual players. Perhaps ur one of those failed players that send a vid of urself?
flux was really do team work 😛
heres something amazing, u can actually search their names in HoN.
eh why does it not let me watch past 0:54?
1000 – 1300 i think
hahahahahahaha what mmr range are these games around?
I was the tempest player and flux was definitely mvp.
but the problem is im a limited user since i didnt buy anything on steam so they wont let me add any friends , u add me nick_black82
lol was typing fast couldnt notice
I have some, contact me on steam h4x4t3hn00bz
Hello nickblack, it's heard not heared.
Hey man i really need a dota2 key i heared u were giving beta keys how can i have one ?? Cheers bro 😀
Best flux ulti ever:)