Orphaned Kangaroo Won’t Stop Hugging His Brother Since They Were Rescued from Bushfire Burn
Two little kangaroos that smashed their way into an Australian home – prompting their rescue. They have escaped from bushfires in Flinder Chase national park on Kangaroo Island. They won’t stop hugging each other during waiting for helps.
The kangaroos still look painful and helpless to even take care of themself. One can’t help but wonder what the two have experienced in the bushfires before smashing to the Australian house. Luckily, the two are in a safe place now. Veterinary Clinic has been called to help baby kangaroos better. Little kangaroos with badly burned feet, tails and paws, possums with burned tails, noses and they have either been dehydrated. Little kangaroos are provided milk and they are also bandaged the burns on their legs.
Orphaned kangaroo babies have been brought together as such good brothers. But now with day by day, the two babies are becoming more confident and better…
Source: Waroona Veterinary Clinic (www.waroonavet.com.au)
If you want to help those Koalas and Kangaroos, please donate directly to Adelaide Koala & Wildlife Hospital (not us):
1. http://www.akawhospital.org.au/make-a-donation.html
2. http://www.koalasincare.org.au/pages/donation.htm
Part 1: https://youtu.be/aFNzUcPA9yg
Rescue Orphaned Smokie Koala: https://youtu.be/IJO61lyPS1Y
Rescue Koalas from Bushfires: https://youtu.be/lUmXUHNUp0E
Subscribe to SAVE PAWS Channel: https://bit.ly/2KqESRJ
#kangaroo #kangaroorescue, #savethekangaroo, #bushfires, #PrayForAustralia,
#SAVEPAWS #koala, #koalafied
A lots help for. Australian poor. ? ? and. Animal. l hope rain. Please God. Gives. better. Life. ??
This is so heartbreaking to see these precious kangaroos with their injuries knowing so many others are suffering. There are no words to describe the horrible devastation Australia is suffering. Thank all those who are helping under such terrible circumstances.
Sooo sad ?
The greatest thing that could happen to the planet is the mass extinction of the human race. We are a plague upon the Earth.
Todo el sufrimiento de estos animales es culpa de nosotros no entendemos que estamos destruyendo nuestro planeta ?
Allah akber … gold bless y
Father in Jesus name please save all of the animals and please save every human being's soul from Hell; may every person Father God have an encounter with you in Jesus name
To be a kind hearted human please donate to HS international I did ❤️
In the world where humans have turned to animals animals are showing humanity ?
Heal soon and heal well mate?
Merci de les avoir sauvés
May those bush-arsonists pay dearly for the death and destruction that their actions have caused.
That is sweet.
Thanks weather for the rain !!
I’m willing to adopt a few HMU ‼️‼️‼️
Very so sad for the animals
Very so sad for the planet
And very so sad for the people.
???????My heart Pain for Australia?? from Greece with love??
Requesting assistance from the archangles ❤? love light healing
?? que mal me ciento por esto
Thank you for showing a beautiful story of the baby kangaroos-so much more refreshing than the soap opera of MM and H. People are bored stuff with their attention grabbing antics. What did to Dutchess Catherine is unforgivable and stop making flimsy excuses. TIRED OF THE DRAMA!!! Much more important things to know than their stupidity!!!!!
Fake CHANNEL….. "Borrowed videos"
End is near.
On 0:52 the girl with glasses looks so cute
This breaks my heart please pray for Australia and their families
But happened to their mother??
Me da tanta tristeza ver que los humanos somos muy malos pobres animalitos los animales somos nosotros por no cuidar nuestro planeta….
I wish I could be their to help them and all the rest of the animals.
Still waiting for won't stop hugging part to appear
Some animals are more human and kind than what we would ever be. Some humans we are the worst creating weapon of massive destruction; burning the earth; sometimes I wonder if we deserve to be here in this beautiful world.
If you Cry please like and share
definitely it sad for all animals. However there are millions of kangaroos and they multiply fast. What is more important here, are the human lifes that have been lost. Then there are all the native people of that land that have been slaughtered up until now and very few take notice of the dark history, dark as the smoke of the fires.
God bless the animals and everyone else.
How could someone give a thumbs down?!!!! What a shame!!!
Thank u!